Hybrid owners in MI are being penalized - Fuelly Forums

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Old 11-10-2015, 03:03 PM   #1
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Hybrid owners in MI are being penalized

To whom it may concern,

I am sure that you heard about the plan of Governor Snyder to charge owners of energy-efficient cars higher fees because they will pay less taxes due to using less fuel. I find this absolutely unacceptable and it is a slap into the face of everybody trying to do the right thing in face of man-made global climate change and air pollution due to combustion. What are you as an organization of electric car owners planning to do about it?
I think Snyder's outdated policy needs to be addressed by a broad association of all interest groups of environmentally concerned and acting citizens who will soon be punished for the honorable examples they provide for our society. You should reach out to hybrid owners and owners of residential rooftop solar panels that are in immanent danger to be charged retail rate for energy that they consume in low-production time periods while the utility companies will get away paying them wholesale rate for energy that owners put into the grid at peak hours.

I am more than happy to do my part in bringing groups together and organize direct actions. As this all comes down at us very quickly, we have to act very soon - that means yesterday!

Best, Tom
Thomas Wassmer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biology
Siena Heights University
1247 E. Siena Heights Dr.
Adrian, MI 49221

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Old 11-10-2015, 05:22 PM   #2
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Old 11-10-2015, 08:14 PM   #3
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Seems to me it would be more appropriate to contact your legislator instead of an Internet forum.
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Old 11-10-2015, 08:24 PM   #4
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This happened in Virginia a few years ago. The Governor that signed it into law was promptly shown the door at the next election.

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Old 11-11-2015, 12:16 AM   #5
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The government always puts profits and taxes before human/environmental health sadly. They just the environment as another way to tax people. It's the same story here, we pay Road tax based on emissions. Fuel efficient cars are free, big SUV'S are $800 a year. Some might say that's unfair, but it has made people more aware of emissions and switch to more efficient vehicles. As of 2017 everyone will pay the same rate £140 per year. Now people are going to probably justify this by buying bigger cars, that have higher emissions and use more fuel. Backwards thinking as per usual...

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Old 11-12-2015, 06:36 AM   #6
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This is just because the politicians don't have the stones to raise the fuel taxes. The federal portion stopped covering road work before hybrids even showed up.
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Old 11-12-2015, 05:47 PM   #7
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Every road user needs to pay their share of the road maintenance expenses. It has usually been seen as fairest to assess that cost as a fuel tax. Those users who went to propane, CNG, or electricity usually did so in an attempt to reduce their costs, not for any so-called "environmental preservation" reasons. Some US states are looking at assessing road tax by some variation of distance travelled, sometimes by GPS measurement. Those ideas have led to outcries of "invasion of privacy" among others. The fun is only just beginning.
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Old 11-13-2015, 08:08 AM   #8
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If I was in charge...

I would split the tax into two parts:

1. Road Tax - This would be a fixed charge same for all vehicles, or maybe based on weight.
2. Environmental Tax - This would be on Fuel, Petrol, Deisel and any other fuel source.

That way people are not charged for their ability to pollute, but the actual pollution they cause.

For example, you might want to own a big fat V* gas gussler, but you only drive it a few thousand miles a year.

On the other hand, you might have a nice efficient little deisel, but drive 25 thousand miles a year.

The current way of charging on a cars ability to pollute means that the gas gussler will pay more even though they pollute less. This is not fair in my opinion.

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Old 11-13-2015, 01:35 PM   #9
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Re-pubic-lick-uns are swiftly forcing toll roads across the U.S., with lots of propaganda to justify allowing rich people to pay user fees to drive the previous commuter lanes that were reserved for 2 or 3 occupants per vehicles. On top of that, big low mpg vehicles won't be charged any more. On top of that, is expensive monitoring systems(freedom intrusive) that were NOT needed when the lanes were previously HOV lanes.
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Old 11-16-2015, 05:44 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by OliverGT View Post
If I was in charge...

I would split the tax into two parts:

1. Road Tax - This would be a fixed charge same for all vehicles, or maybe based on weight.
2. Environmental Tax - This would be on Fuel, Petrol, Deisel and any other fuel source.

That way people are not charged for their ability to pollute, but the actual pollution they cause.

For example, you might want to own a big fat V* gas gussler, but you only drive it a few thousand miles a year.

On the other hand, you might have a nice efficient little deisel, but drive 25 thousand miles a year.

The current way of charging on a cars ability to pollute means that the gas gussler will pay more even though they pollute less. This is not fair in my opinion.

A gas guzzler driven only a few thousand miles a year isn't going to pay more than a Prius driven the 15k miles average at current gas tax rates.

If it is an older car, it could actually pollute more than that Prius despite being driven far fewer miles.

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