When i describe my Volt's fuel efficiency I say, "I get 630 mpg, plus i use 50 cents worth of electricity a day." I don't know how most Volt owners could track exactly how much electricity we use. I know i have driven 12,300 miles and i know i have used less than 20 gallons to do it but my electricity isn't measured separately. Being able to graph both my fuels here would be cool, that isn't something Voltstats does very well. But then again, fuelly is having trouble w graphing Volt fuel use as well, due to the fact that most Volt owners cant measure how much electricity our Volts use.
Originally Posted by BDC
Charon hit the nail on the head. Counting half the energy your car uses to do the same thing is deceptive, and what's more it paints plug-ins in a misleadingly favorable light, which seems to be the implied intent of many of the plug-in users we see posting in these threads. Volt owners that I have encountered love spreading the tale that their cars get X-hundred miles per gallon, while seemingly thinking it's unimportant to mention or even know how much electricity they've used.
I'm all in favor of getting plug-in hybrids full integration to fuelly, but that can't happen until the technical issues of electricity recording are figured out. I wonder if the plug-in users in this thread can tell us how much electricity they used for each of their gasoline "fill-ups."