For the most part its:
Sometimes I swap out the GPH for TPS when I'm watching up hill climbs (make that up bridge since there are no hills here) but lately I just watch the MPG for that and try to hold the FE numbers as high as possible without dropping to much speed.
I started watching the GPH when I was trying to determine if I had a fuel cut system for coasting. Turns out I don't and whats worse is it seems that down hill runs create enough air moving through the radiator to spin up my fan clutch driven fan resulting in the engine idling a couple hundred RPM's higher using more GPH in the process.

When I get my E-Fan installed this problem should be solved though.
The FWT is my biggest issue on my daily commute as it takes way to many miles for my FE numbers to get up to normal. Again the E-Fan should help this and perhaps some additional grill block after I see how the E-Fan performs.