Originally Posted by RningOnFumes
Popimp, it says you're getting an average 48mpg historically, so what have you done differently?
Well I added an Engine Block heater and I'm using Cruise Control. The car didn't come with it originally. On the highway CC just works better for me. On my van I can get better MPG not using it, but for some reason the computer is better at it with this Prius. Wayne at CleanMPG wrote an article saying that CC worked good for him.
CC has never worked for maximizing FE in any other automobile I have ever been behind the wheel of but this full assist to forced charge cycle stopped almost immediately afterwards? I was able to maintain the iFCD in the 75 mpg range on the flats as well as see a number of 5-minute bars at 75 + mpg without any effort other then holding a very slow and low load speed while RR under CC. Whenever I would run a hill, I would dis-engage CC and speed up a touch coming into the trough, DWL up, Warp stealth down and re-engage CC as soon as my previous speed target was reached. I do not know why it worked but it did and that is all I cared about I have no idea as to the inner workings of the SoC algorithm but CC at 48 mph settled the cycle down and yielded darn good FE while traversing the flatter sections. Saying the Prius-I exceeded my expectations would be an understatement.