Sitting at idle or turn off engine?
From the 201 Tips To Save Gas:
33. Don't start and stop needlessly
Don't start and stop the engine needlessly. Idling your engine for one minute consumes the same gas amount as when you start the engine, which for your information is a lot!
How much fuel does an average car enigne use at start up?
I got to thinking: if a car engine is idling at 6-800 prm sitting at a red light for 10 seconds, that's approx. 60-80 rpm that the engien turned while idling. Depending on the engine size, could that be similar amount of fuel used to start an engine?
On my 250cc scooter, I turn off the engine and coast to a traffic light when I can estimate that I will have to come to a complete stop and wait for a few seconds for the light to change. Since my scooter's carb and valves are adjusted that it would fire up the engine within one crank revolution, it's not such a big deal to turn off and restart the engine numerous times. But then again, my 250cc scooter uses less than 1/10 of the fuel of a 2.6 liter engine per engine revolution.
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