ScanGauge II XGauge codes - Fuelly Forums

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Old 01-07-2009, 11:46 AM   #1
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Post ScanGauge II XGauge codes

I hope this thread will produce enough XGauge codes to make it worth stickying.

  • Post XGauge codes that you haven't seen in this thread.
  • Please try not to post if you're not posting XGauge codes.
  • Please post the source of your information. If you post codes you found elsewhere, tell us where you found them. If you post codes you made, tell us where you got your data and how you made them.
  • Don't only post the link, post the codes. If the link dies we'll still have the codes here.
  • Don't forget to post the year and model of the vehicle that your code works for or was tested on (if applicable).
If we follow those guidelines then we should produce a better collection than can be found elsewhere.

This first post will be a summary with general information about how to make codes, and if this thread grows I'll put in an index of posted codes.

We'll start with the information available directly from Linear Logic's XGauge page:

The codes they provide:

The coding manual:

There are lots of resources that provide information needed to make your own XGauge this list of standardized OBDII PIDs:

A great list of Ford PIDs with some really cool ones:
...some of which were already made into XGauge codes here:
By looking in those two places, that helps demonstrate how to create your XGauge from known PIDs (in case the document posted by Linear Logic isn't enough). The guy who posted those Ford codes further explains:
my codes are only good for Ford PWM OBd2 ( my car is a 2001 )

TXD will be different for CAN bus

Yours should begin with
07E0 022 xxxx or something like that

RXF seems to be the same

There is a lot of trial & error in my case to get things right...
There is a thread (like this one) made for XGauge codes at:
It's more discussion than codes, though. If we need a discussion as a tangent of this thread, feel free to start a thread and I'll put the link to that thread here.

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Old 01-07-2009, 11:46 AM   #2
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Now that the summary/info post is out of the way, here's some codes.


The manual gives you the formula and data for making trip data into XGauges so you can see trip data on the gauge screen. It's very easy to follow, but to make it easier, here's the list that I put together.

These are not vehicle-specific.

The first digit of RXF for all of these is: 8 (the rest of the digits to the right of the 8 are ignored)

The first digits of TXF, my description, and my label:
00 avg mpg current trip CA
01 avg mpg day DA
04 avg mpg tank TA

20 max fWT current CMW
21 max fWT day DMW

24 remaining gallons of fuel GAL
44 distance to empty MTE
64 time to empty TTE


Directly from the manual, horsepower:
TXD 00
RXF 400080000000
RXD 0000
MTH 000A00170000


Posted by someone else:
Originally Posted by MrChoi View Post
this is what i use to monitor lean burn on my civic:
TXD 686AF10115
RXF 044105150000
RXD 2808
MTH 000100020000
Here is the bunch of Ford codes I linked in the summary post:
Ford PWM

I'm starting having fun with this...

A/C compressor cycling On/Off
TXD: C410 F122 1101
RXF: 0462 2511 0601
RXD: 3701
MTH: 0001 0001 0000
Name: A/C

Cooling Fan Low speed On/Off
TXD:C410 F122 1103
RXF: 0462 2511 0603
TXD: 3501
MTH: 0001 0001 0000
Name: FnL

Cooling Fan High speed On/Off
TXD:C410 F122 1103
RXF: 0462 2511 0603
TXD: 3401
MTH: 0001 0001 0000
Name: FnH

Automatic Transmission Gear status
TXD: C410 F122 11B3
RXF: 0462 0511 86B3
TXD: 3008
MTH: 0001 0002 0000
Name TGR
(sidenote : it will display only forward gear 1 to 4, park or neutral
display gear 3 , torque lockup not displayed )

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Old 01-20-2009, 04:31 PM   #3
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Ford PWM

Air/Fuel Ratio
TDX 616AF10114
RXF 044145140000
RXD 2808
MTH FFFD00020640
#47 on my way to #1
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Old 01-21-2009, 08:04 AM   #4
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GM VPW codes as tested on my 2002 GMC Sierra 5.3/4L60E. Some are imperfect and I hope to keep working on them, but they're useful enough to post. The PIDs I used were found mostly at and I made the codes myself.

Transmission input and output shaft speeds. Looking at these two, you can determine your gear ratio (and therefore which gear you're in). Looking at ISS and engine RPM, you can determine your TCC slippage.

Transmission Input Shaft Speed: ISS
TXD: 6C10F122194101
RXF: 046205190691
RXD: 3010
MTH: 0001000A0190

Transmission Output Shaft Speed: OSS
TXD: 6C10F122194201
RXF: 046205190692
RXD: 3010
MTH: 0001000A0190

Problems: The last four characters in the MTH code, 0190, are the hexadecimal representation of the number 400, which has to be added to mine. I'm not sure why. By the time ISS or OSS read ~1000 they are accurate. At very low speeds they are not, and at a dead stop they read 400.

Torque Converter Slip Speed: I called it TCS, but TSS or TCC could work for you.
TXD: 6C10F122199101
RXF: 046205190691
RXD: 3010
MTH: 0001000A0000

Problems: This code suffers from one bug: Negative slippage is displayed as 65535-abs(value)/10. So, -100 would be displayed as 6453.

Torque Converter PWM Duty Cycle: I called it TCP but TPD or TDC or TCC might work for you.
TXD: 6C10F122197001
RXF: 046205190670
RXD: 3008
MTH: 0004000A0000

Problems: I don't think there are any.

Observations: When TCP is up, TCC slippage is up. I would have expected the opposite.

Transmission Pressure: TP
TXD: 6C10F122199D01
RXF: 04620519069D
RXD: 3008
MTH: 000100010000

Problems: I don't think there are any. I have no way to confirm.

Observations: When TP is up, TCC slippage is down. I didn't realize that this pressure is used to adjust TCC slippage along with TCC PWM Duty Cycle. Is this the same pressure as is often called "Line Pressure" and controls how stiff the shifts are? That question is rhetorical here, I'll ask it elsewhere...

Ignition Voltage: IV -- this shows voltage of the ignition wire in the dash, not the spark plug wires.
TXD: 6C10F122114101
RXF: 046205110641
RXD: 3008
MTH: 0001000A0000

Problems: I think it can be improved to show more accuracy. It seems to show whole numbers only.

Requested Idle Speed: IDL
TXD: 6C10F122119201
RXF: 046205110692
RXD: 3008
MTH: 000A00010000

Problems: I don't think there are any.

Intake Air Controller: IAC
TXD: 6C10F122117201
RXF: 046205110672
RXD: 3010
MTH: 000100010000

Problems: I don't think there are any.
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