Question about hills
What do you think about mild acceleration down a hill to gain speed and coast up the hill immedietly following? I'll drive at about 58 but when I go down a hill I'll accelerate up to 65-70 gaining momentum so I can coast up the hill following it. My wife insists I'm wasting any gas i save by accelerating, i say it takes more gas to coast down the hill and then have to give it gas to get back up the hill. I have a 92 Daytona 5 speed 2.2 turbo DOHC and have picked up about 4 mpg around town since I started using some of the tips on this board, but my car is too old for a scan guage and I'm not ready to go crazy and figure out a different way to get instnt info on my car yet. I'm thinking about a scan guage for my winter beater 07 Town and Country, but I'll wait until winter to get that when I start driving that again. Any thoughts or ideas are apprecited.
Have you guys heard about water for gas?