Predicting red lights with cross walk signals - Fuelly Forums

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Old 02-08-2008, 01:17 AM   #1
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Predicting red lights with cross walk signals

Does anyone else do this? I find that the cross walk signals are generally a pretty good way to predict how much time you have left before a light begins to turn red. I mainly use this technique to determine if I can stretch out an EOC to coast through a light, if I need to "power through" the light, or if I need to keep the engine off and prepare to coast to a stop.

If the cross walk still says "walk", then my chances of making the light are great. If I'm within a fairly close distance of the light and am EOCing, I'll just keep on, or if the engine is running, I may start EOCing. If I'm a little further back, I may get a little more of a powered run then begin an EOC.

If the cross walk is flashing "don't walk", then there is a few seconds left before the light begins to turn yellow (maybe 10-12 seconds?). If I'm close enough again, I'll EOC on through. If I'm a little further, I may put the power on a little more.

If the cross walk is solid "don't walk" and the light is still green, there is typically less than 5 seconds before the light turns yellow then red. If I'm close, I'll power through, and if I'm far away, I'll go ahead and EOC while preparing to stop, knowing the light will be red by the time I reach it.

I just found it's a pretty good way to help EOC more efficiently.

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Old 02-08-2008, 02:14 AM   #2
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I've noticed the same thing- that when the "don't walk" signal stays lit, the light is about to turn red.

Unfortunately for my FE, I typically always pulse at that point...

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Old 02-08-2008, 03:43 AM   #3
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i do that, and i sometimes look at the other side of the intersection's light, it its solid yellow and going to turn red, that means my light will turn green in 1 second
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Old 02-08-2008, 06:33 AM   #4
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i do it the other way around... generally i'm either trought the light or i have to stop, but i do use the cross walk sings to predict when the light will turn to green again so i can button start the car and not hold up anyone when i'm first in line (car starts right away and becouse i watch the light i'm usually off before the guy on the other side realises the light has changed)....

in the few places i pass where there's a long lane with a stoplight at the end i find that generally what works best for me is to assume the light will turn red anyway or when it's already red it will stay that way before i reach it.... if i try to race to make the green i usually fail, while if i assune i'll have to coast to a stop i can have a pretty long EOC and if the light does turn green the last moment i just bump or button start.
i must say however most traffic lights i encounter are in an urban setting where the approach speed is low.... thus preserving speed is not such an issue.... especially since the next light might not be synced and will stop you anyway... i think i save more gas by a lot of 'coasting to a stop' events than by the occasional lucky "just made it trough"

but watching the other lights is always handy in any situation

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