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Old 06-12-2008, 06:39 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by ShadowWorks View Post
Track cars are Adult Toys, road cars are not in my opinion because its a 2 ton wrecking ball, I don't even want to think about all the drivers and by standers killed every year, I think in China over a million people die from car accidents alone, a car is not a toy even if we treat it as such, I can't think of another toy that can kill a whole family.

Your the same as the rest of the 6 billion people on this planet.

That is why we have the haves and have nots in this world, not really fair.

I just paid $40 US for 17 litres of fuel, you don't know how good you have it man.
You have a very "moralistic" post there my friend. This isn't a topic where anyone has asked, "Gee, I'm about to endanger the lives of millions of Chinese in China, while lighting my cigars with $100 bills just so I can be happy! Should I do it?"

The original poster asked a question about hypermiling a Cherokee, but then people started jumping in with the "You should feel guilty because..." posts that have a very condescending, judgmental tone. Regardless of how much you argue, some people aren't going to see it your way. That's fine, but please stick to the questions asked instead of trying to make people feel guilty because they may or may not have it better than you, or anyone else in this world. Particularly when you have no idea about what these people have gone through to get where they are today. Your assumption smacks of "Gee you have it easy and you didn't have to do anything to get it!"


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Old 06-13-2008, 01:02 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by ShadowWorks View Post
Track cars are Adult Toys, road cars are not in my opinion because its a 2 ton wrecking ball, I don't even want to think about all the drivers and by standers killed every year, I think in China over a million people die from car accidents alone, a car is not a toy even if we treat it as such, I can't think of another toy that can kill a whole family.
Track cars? Now who's fuel-inefficient And have you seen how Chinese cars do in crash tests? A few minutes on Youtube can be frightening yet instructive. I certainly don't advocate unsafe driving, but when I'm shelling out ten-plus thousand dollars for something, I want it to be something that does more than one function. In this case, it's transportation plus antidepressant: Rolling from 10km/h to the speed limit in a second or so is endlessly gratifying, as well as taking corners at the speed limit, rather than braking for it. God alone knows how many bad moods I've been rescued from thus.

I just paid $40 US for 17 litres of fuel, you don't know how good you have it man.
... Ok, if local prices were in that range, I'd be in something much more miserly.

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Old 06-13-2008, 03:35 PM   #43
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"You should feel guilty because..." posts that have a very condescending, judgmental tone
Tone? you can hear a tone from text

its just they way the world is, I didn't make it that way, nobody has to agree and how wants that anyway, We Are Not Borg.

Originally Posted by Glacial View Post
Track cars? Now who's fuel-inefficient
Same with dragsters, Funny Cars, and those Big Foots there just for fun and there FE is not even a consideration, infact the more fuel they take they more they can brag!

And have you seen how Chinese cars do in crash tests?
Yep, and that must help kill probably 90% of them!

I want it to be something that does more than one function. In this case, it's transportation plus antidepressant:
Natural drugs are always the best way and being happy is the best drug.

... Ok, if local prices were in that range, I'd be in something much more miserly.[/QUOTE]

Give it a few years, fuel will double in cost in the next 6 years in Europe.
Water is fuel, I just don't know how to make it work yet.
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Old 06-16-2008, 05:07 AM   #44
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You may want to look at the new Chevy/GMC trucks. Many of their V8 models have what GM calls "Active Fuel Management". At highway speeds when there is low demand for power from the engine the computer shuts down 4 cylinders. I think these could be excellent hypermiling sleepers.

I've been thinking about replacing my 1998 GMC Sierra, but GMC is coming out with a new full size hybrid pickup this fall. They have not released pricing yet though. I hope its cheaper than the Yukon hybrid. The Yukon costs about $15,000 more than a similarly equipped non-hybrid Yukon. My truck has treated me very well over the time I've had it though, and when I recently took it into the dealer for the 150,000 mile service the mechanic at the dealer said it ran just as well as a new one. I guess that's the Mobil-1 oil I've been using in it...

Mobil-1 is fantastic, I just tore down the engine in my 1986 Chevy C-10 last month (Hopefully I'll have it done soon). I was shocked that it was so clean inside. I had switched that vehicle to Mobil-1 about 60,000 miles ago. That vehicle currently has 190,000 miles.

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Old 06-16-2008, 09:29 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue View Post
You may want to look at the new Chevy/GMC trucks. Many of their V8 models have what GM calls "Active Fuel Management". At highway speeds when there is low demand for power from the engine the computer shuts down 4 cylinders. I think these could be excellent hypermiling sleepers.
If it shuts down 4 cylinders, do they not still make pressure? I would imagine that would make it very hard to turn?
Water is fuel, I just don't know how to make it work yet.
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Old 06-16-2008, 09:43 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by theholycow View Post
I'm still failing to understand this mindset. You can hypermile a big powerful inefficient car just as well as you can with a small efficient one, maybe even better. Including pre-hypermiling gaslog entries, my full size V8 truck is 21% above EPA; and if we count only tanks where I hypermiled, it's more like 30%.

The analogy is like saying if you're going to smoke three cigarettes per day, might as well just smoke three packs per day. Well, just because you want to have some fun on tap and look nice, doesn't mean you have no reason to hypermile and should just go ahead and burn through all the gas you can. You can have some fun on a regular basis and hypermile as a general rule, and still do well.
I think you're just being argumenative. If one cannot utilize the carrying capacities, and or other attributes of a large vehicle, or large engine'd vehicle, and same person buys such a vehicle in the days of $4+ gas, then same person worries about hypermiling, well, he is an idiot!

I never said one cannot hypermile a V8/V6 engine. Rather, I said it would be exceedingly stupid for one to buy a gas guzzler in $4+ gas days, then worry about saving gas and/or hypermiling.

....but you can keeping being contrary if you'd like...your father and grandfather would agree with me though, and you will to when you reach middle age ;-)
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Old 06-16-2008, 10:01 AM   #47
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In response to the OP, have you considered a late model Toyota Celica? I'm not sure what price range you're looking at, but the 1.8L Celicas (1994-2005) are pretty peppy and have a great milage rating (revised EPA for '05 is 25/33). Now, it isn't a muscle car, so you'll have to have your fun going 'round corners, rather than blasting off the line, but that's better for the MPG anyway, right?
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Old 06-16-2008, 10:01 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by ShadowWorks View Post
If it shuts down 4 cylinders, do they not still make pressure? I would imagine that would make it very hard to turn?
I believe that's coupled with variable valve timing so the disabled cylinders do not generate compression.


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Old 06-16-2008, 10:59 AM   #49
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They should hypermile trucks, buses and trains, oh wait they do well sort off.

I think hypermiling is great, I don't care what kind of engine it is, if you get lemons you make lemonade.
Water is fuel, I just don't know how to make it work yet.
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Old 06-16-2008, 11:03 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue View Post
when I recently took it into the dealer for the 150,000 mile service the mechanic at the dealer said it ran just as well as a new one. I guess that's the Mobil-1 oil I've been using in it...
At 170,000 miles of various oils, mine runs as well as a new one too. GM just makes a decent, long-lasting V8.

Originally Posted by MorningGaser View Post
I think you're just being argumenative.
That's just my failure to communicate pleasantly. I accept it as one of my limits...when I'm trying to extract information, or provide information, I often come across as argumentative. It's not my intention but I accept it.

If one cannot utilize the carrying capacities, and or other attributes of a large vehicle, or large engine'd vehicle, and same person buys such a vehicle in the days of $4+ gas, then same person worries about hypermiling, well, he is an idiot!
He's an idiot whether or not he worries about hypermiling. He might as well be an idiot whose waste is reduced by hypermiling. I'd still rather give him the information he needs than hassle him about what he's driving...enough years on the internet and you tend to get a feel for when it's worth trying to change someone's opinion, and when it's worthless (hint: It's usually worthless). 16 years on local BBSes and the Internet was long enough for me to learn it well.

Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue View Post
I believe that's coupled with variable valve timing so the disabled cylinders do not generate compression.
I thought the same thing but recently found out that they actually have a separate technology for closing the valves on non-VVT AFM engines.

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