Two things. First, I got the EPA rating from the link when you register with the garage. I'm just going with that.
Second, the xB is great around town and at lower speed on highway. In my experience FE drops way off at 70 or above. It's also easy to overwork the engine. I've been driving with a ScanGaugeII ever since I bought the car. I've had fun watching my FE, just not quite so enthusiastic.
The xB is a big change from my last vehicle--a F250SD Diesel that I drove daily and drag raced in a Diesel series in Washington and British Columbia. I had burned biodiesel in it for several years but, even when biodiesel was cheaper than petrodiesel, it was taking me to the poor house.
Now I'm thinking grille opening covers and Gurney flaps. Got to keep busy at 65. Of course, aero tricks on an xB are like painting lipstick on a pig. It tooks better, but it's still a pig.