Dealer says ScanGauge ruined my PCM and I can't use ScanGauge anymore - Fuelly Forums

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Old 08-21-2008, 07:03 AM   #1
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Dealer says ScanGauge ruined my PCM and I can't use ScanGauge anymore

I've had my car into my local dealer 5 times now for a check engine light code (PO171: air-fuel ration, feedback is stable after warm up, but rich on start up), which is a lean running condition.They checked the mass air flow sensor, engine coolant temp sensor, changed the front O2 sensor, checked the pcv, says the fuel pressure is ok, and have replaced all 4 injectors.

Basically, they have went down the list and keep calling GM technical support and have no clue what the issue is that is causing the code. They asked me about my ScanGauge on the 2nd trip because their tech thought it might be sending codes to the ECM and PCM and is screwing it up. I explained it is only reading and not changing or flashing anything. I also explained that the check engine light was also on BEFORE I even bought the ScanGauge and plugged it in. Well, now they are trying to tell me that it is screwing up the PCM because it makes the car get better fuel economy (they went online to see what a ScanGauge was). I don't think they read the part about it helps with fuel economy by giving you read outs so you can adjust your driving patterns.

Anyhow, they also said they can't even reflash the PCM like they can on GM cars. So, they are going to replace the PCM, but told me I can't plug my ScanGauge back in after or it will void my warranty on the PCM in the future (at any GM dealer).

Has anyone ever had a dealer tell them they can't use their ScanGauge? Do you think they are just grasping for straws here?
2007 Vibe (base-5 speed man)
MODS = Added CC, 15% Tint, New wheels, Nav/DVD, Polk speakers, Infinity sub/amp, Console Outlet,
MODS = ScanGauge II, Perm. alum. grill block, belly pan, Removed antenna, Tire pres. 44 psi
Future MODS = Removable lower grill block, Clear fog covers, 195 deg. therm, Rear spoiler, Full belly pan
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Old 08-21-2008, 07:10 AM   #2
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I honestly think they are just grasping at straws. what it comes down to is you prob had a fualty part and they didnt want to admit to it so that means they try to find something that you have done so that they can pass the blame. It is very common for dealers to do that which really sucks. The scanguage is purely a diagnostic tool and does not actually send anything to your vehicle so i dont see how that could have messed it up
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Old 08-21-2008, 07:29 AM   #3
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I agree. I would take the SG out, and put it back in after you pick the car up. Take it out again if you have to return it for service. They don't know what they are talking about. The SG does not change the internal program running on the computer in any way.


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Old 08-22-2008, 02:54 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Cruzedriver View Post
I honestly think they are just grasping at straws. what it comes down to is you prob had a fualty part and they didnt want to admit to it so that means they try to find something that you have done so that they can pass the blame. It is very common for dealers to do that which really sucks. The scanguage is purely a diagnostic tool and does not actually send anything to your vehicle so i dont see how that could have messed it up

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Old 08-21-2008, 07:33 AM   #5
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Yeah, I should've just taken the thing out before I went in. I had the wires all tucked up under the door trim and dash (have it mounted on front left of my dash near the windshield) so I just left it there.

Stupid me
2007 Vibe (base-5 speed man)
MODS = Added CC, 15% Tint, New wheels, Nav/DVD, Polk speakers, Infinity sub/amp, Console Outlet,
MODS = ScanGauge II, Perm. alum. grill block, belly pan, Removed antenna, Tire pres. 44 psi
Future MODS = Removable lower grill block, Clear fog covers, 195 deg. therm, Rear spoiler, Full belly pan
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Old 08-21-2008, 07:44 AM   #6
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let's assume what they found was true (which is a crock). that means when my check engine light comes on and I bring it to them, they void their own warranty by plugging in their own scan tool. also, if I were to try to save some money and hassle by taking it to autozone or advance, there again warranty gone. all scan tools do pretty much the same thing. the scangauge just displays what it is reading which is very convenient to us.

I am not sure how they would prove that you had the scangauge plugged up if you had problems again. I would have definitely taken it out of the car before I brought it in for serviceing but we can't dwell on the past.

also, that would be a good one to let linear logic know about too. they may have some words with that dealership because I think that would be a lot of bad publicity for their product (even though we know it is crap).

you might want to shoot them an email and tell them your story just as an FYI.
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Old 08-21-2008, 07:54 AM   #7
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Sending them an email is a good idea - make sure you include the dealer name and the phone number in your email. Unfortunately it takes so much time for them to read their email it might take some time for them to follow up on that. I sent them an email for tech support, they replied almost 2 weeks later. I replied with more information and haven't heard back yet.


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Old 08-21-2008, 08:57 AM   #8
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These guys don't have a clue.

Get the car serviced someplace else that won't rip you off.
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Old 08-21-2008, 09:07 AM   #9
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Well, I called Linear-Logic (company who makes SG) as soon as they were open. I spoke with Ron DeLong (the inventor of the ScanGauge) for quite a while. He was not happy to hear them saying that the SG could be the cause and said that if that's the case then GM and Toyota are selling a car that is non-OBDII compliant and that it is against the law. He said that if in fact the SG is causing the problem, that GM and Toyota are going to need to issue a recall of every single vehicle that is not meeting the compliance laws.

He asked for the dealer name, phone and contact person in service. He got my name, car make, model and year. He said he would call my dealer when we got off the phone. Well, he called the dealer and explained what his product does, that it could not cause this issue, and so on. He also explained that his company would take legal action from this point if needed. I assume Linear-Logic would not like such unsubstantiated claims continuing to be made ... heh.

Anyhow, during this time the service manager was on her way to pick me up to get me a rental car. Ron called me back while I was in the car with her to let me know what he said to the service person at the dealer. He also let me know that he left the service mgr a voice mail (I let him know I was in the car with her and he said to tell her about it).

So, I get my rental car and leave. 8 minutes later Ron calls again to let me know he spoke with the manager and they will replace my PCM under warranty. She still persisted that the SG might be 1 bad one in 50,000 and it could be the cause. So, to nullify that issue Ron is going to send me a brand new replacement unit express mail.

Ron also told her that he thinks changing the PCM will not fix that code (which I had already brought up to the dealer), and that he thinks it's a vacuum leak issue. He explained how to check for it while driving and everything. I don't know if they will do what he asked, but he is going so far out of his way to help me it's unbelievable. I've never, ever dealt with a company who was this helpful and responsive. Talk about customer service, and from the inventor/owner no less.

He also advised me of lemon-law application to this issue, and we discussed the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. Basically, the dealer is going to have to fix this CEL code or get me a new car, period. Ron ended our conversation with this, "Mark we will get this whole situation figured out, don't worry about it". How freaking cool is this guy?!?!?!?!?
2007 Vibe (base-5 speed man)
MODS = Added CC, 15% Tint, New wheels, Nav/DVD, Polk speakers, Infinity sub/amp, Console Outlet,
MODS = ScanGauge II, Perm. alum. grill block, belly pan, Removed antenna, Tire pres. 44 psi
Future MODS = Removable lower grill block, Clear fog covers, 195 deg. therm, Rear spoiler, Full belly pan
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Old 08-21-2008, 09:18 AM   #10
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Ron proved to me that he and his legal team do indeed have our backs. Here's a link to a video of an interview Ron did on MSNBC ... if you're curious about the SG or what Ron is like.

Another audio interview he did:
2007 Vibe (base-5 speed man)
MODS = Added CC, 15% Tint, New wheels, Nav/DVD, Polk speakers, Infinity sub/amp, Console Outlet,
MODS = ScanGauge II, Perm. alum. grill block, belly pan, Removed antenna, Tire pres. 44 psi
Future MODS = Removable lower grill block, Clear fog covers, 195 deg. therm, Rear spoiler, Full belly pan
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