I tried COFISHING on my last tank and am a little disappointed in my results. I only went from 52.08 to 53.78 mpg. I would CODFISH over about a 22 mile distance of a 37 mile drive home home each day. On the way to work in the morning I didn't do it so I wouldn't be late. Anyway I would speed up to about 50-55 mph then coast with engine off to about 35 mpg, bump start, speed up and start all over. It would take about .4 miles to get back up to speed and then about .3 miles to slow down to 35 mph.
Is this to fast a speed to do this? (Should I try Pulse and Glide?)
Should I be able to coast farther than I am? (Is something dragging me down?)
Should I coast to an even slower speed before speeding up?
Should I speed back up quickly or slowly?
I think I need a SuperMid (not in the budget currently

Any other technique suggestions? (I'm costing to stoplights trying not to stop, turning it off when I do stop, driving the speedlimit etc.)
Thanks for any input!!