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Old 11-26-2012, 07:11 AM   #41
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They warranty the engine from oil related failures for 200,000 miles so they want it to work.
I paid about $32 a quart for the motor lube and a bit more for the tranny 90w and power steering lubes plus $24 for a filter now going for $30 each then they give a little discount if your buy the whole package at once. As for the first oil change, it was done after the break in oil from the dealer / factory and I basically drained it overnight in a heated garage and put the new stuff in. The idea is after the first 36,000 miles on synube any of the remaining conventional oil will have turned to sludge and be trapped in the filter which you then change.
With engines having more mileage before changing over, they have an engine flush you use to clean out any junk that may be trapped in pockets in the engine. And I think you do a conventional oil change one last time then the synlube oil change.
Total was 4+1 engine quarts plus 2 quarts tranny and 1 quart power steering, filter and magnets came out to about $260 as I recall. So in 6 years (7 years old today) of twice a year conventional oil changes I think I am ahead on just the oil cost, then add the gas savings and my time NOT changing oil for 52,600 miles - 3800 mile for the first one and I am way ahead. Mileage on the last tank was 472 miles on 11 gallons +- 0.5 gallon (11.9 gallon tank)

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Old 11-26-2012, 11:56 PM   #42
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I'm skeptical of Synlube.

A) Their website looks like it belongs in 1990.
B) Ripoff Report | synlube lube4life | Complaint Review: 603768
C) There's just not a lot of positive info out there about this stuff. Googling around for info, the car forums tend to have one user who swears by it and the rest being doubters. There never seems to be solid evidence it works and even things like the company location are unknown, and they even list a PO Box as their address. What legit company does that?

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Old 11-27-2012, 07:08 AM   #43
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The guy makes synlube not fancy websites, you can't even buy it without taking to him. He is a small operation probably only one person ... Miro ... I am using it in my xb since the first oil change and it runs great, doesn't burn, smoke or make weird noises in fact it runs very quiet and doesn't leak a single drop anywhere. I have also used it on small electric motors for my model airplanes and air compressors and they work better with the synlube than any other lube I have tried. Its not religion, you don't have to believe in it to try it, just buy some like I did. Like I said before, the hardest thing about it is not changing your oil!!!
I even used it on the boom pivot joints of a 42 foot sailboat and it stops it from sqeeking all season.
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Old 11-27-2012, 10:02 AM   #44
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Oldie Newbie who doesn't usually like sales pitch:

"25,000 Miles. How far the Amsoil Synthetic motor oil and Amsoil Ea oil filter went."

2 reasons i accept this:

1) Real clean-vehicle trucker i know runs all his machines on Amsoil with bp filter, never changes oil, rebuilds his big hiway mills every 1,000,000 km "to be on the safe side"(breakdowns are expensive). Sends oil out for tests regularly.

2) Back in 70s, sent out my synthetic oil at 5kkm intervals (hard to get hold of syn then - same with radials). Settled on 16kkm oil changes, when gradually increasing silicon content (lots of gravel roads) began to cause serious increases in metal content. Never went to Amsoil with bp filter, but later switched to expensive oil filters so i could push changes to 20kkm (easier to keep track, cost about the same). Dump 1lt in at 10k. Basically drive my cars into the ground. Never since had an oil burner or motor failure (ok luck has a lot to do with it).
So changes at 25kkm with superior products is a very reasonable expectation.

As a newbie here who has tried a lot of the easy gas saving tricks, the best i tried was a used lo-mile 94 taurus auto with immediate mpg readout. Best teacher i ever had. Sold the old gas-guzzler to a friend after putting my 50kkm on it, now he can learn how to drive efficiently before passing the good old gas-sucking teacher on. (Fighting to get 7 to 8 lt/100km hiway is a good teaching tool, whether you believe the actual readout or not.)

Still looking for ideas. Right now simply reducing car usage and using elec bicycle more. -Tonystep

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