Hello everyone, Can someone please advise me which to buy....please excuse my ignorance in this matter.
I have been reading so much about water as gas/fuel....and I am a little confused as to which system is the easiest to instal and the best value etc. I am a llittle scared to fork out 100+ dollars for a book and then again for the parts etc. I have checked all of the systems out here
www.intellifuel.org and many other sites and have come to the conclusion that water4gas is the best value for money. This Ozzie Freedom character kinda speaks my language.....although I spotted quite a few spelling mistakes.....lol I like the way he promtes his site...it's straight forward and to the point. He also looks like he has done his homework too...there is a ton of info on his site, the other sites are kinda vauge and a little confusing.....maybe it's just me.
Does anyone actully HAVE the water4gas system installed in thier Car? Can you please tell me if it really does work.....before the wife finds out i'm planning to make a Hydrogen Bomb in the garage then fit it in her Car!!!
Many thanks in advance....Kieran....