Originally Posted by vectorg
Thanks, dk. All I'm trying to say is that a method similar or identical to HHO is used in fighter planes and air racing, and they call it "water injection."
Originally Posted by vectorg
That Wiki article doesn't exist, FYI.
Does anyone ever do a search before saying something like that?
I didn't make it a "link" so you had to copy and paste... you probably missed a character, or your browser did something dumb with the characters. Someone just after you linked to it, and you still didn't read it.
Water injection bears no relation to HHO at all, AND HHO was not used in old fighter planes and race cars, water injection was.
Also, there's another type of water injection that is NOT HHO, but does work, but it is a special type of engine. One of several types of six stroke engines injects water into the cylinder (without fuel) after the fuel has burned and the piston is backed in the compressed position. The heat in the engine instantly vaporizes the water, turning it to steam, pushing the piston and giving you a "free" power stroke. It also cools the engine (the "free" power stroke comes from converting waste heat into useful energy by vaporizing water).