I have seen many different units, producing a varried amount of HHO (1-10LPM approx) through many different cell designs and setups etc... but I have some questions I hope you can answer
I have sucessfully run small one banger briggs+stratton engines solely off of my ABS HHO unit. I draw approx 12-16amps and the hydrogen production is definately there, no denying that.. and does it work, you bet your sweet *** it does!
BUT as I started to think, I realized that the generation just simply isnt enough to REALLY make a LARGE impact on say, a V8 5.7L.
I found a guy in daytona beach who has a unit that is very interesting. I am hoping someone with some experience in this matter can let me know what they think of it. The idea seems very rational to me, and the LPM can apparently reach up to 50-60LPM. The overall premis is this:
"the power consumption is equally proportional to the amount of hydrogen that is required"
I will have to install another alternator and another slave battery in my rig to power this unit individually (which isnt a problem), and this appears to be something feasable for LARGE LPM production.
So! Forgive my lack of grammer skills, and take a look at these products/ideas and tell me what you think of it
Thank you, and be honest! hehe
Thank you