How much Hydrogen (LPM) is needed? - Fuelly Forums

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Old 04-29-2010, 11:56 AM   #1
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How much Hydrogen (LPM) is needed?

How much Hydrogen (HHO) in LPM is needed to supplement for lean gas?

I have an 07 HHR LT 2.4L and get an average of 25MPG. I do about 80% highway driving. I would like to get 30+ MPG. Would it help at all to switch to a K&N filter or replace the intake filter assembly with an after market?

Trying to get info, I read the thread on "Need some help with my math, how much HHO needed?" which talks about replacing gas. Very interesting but I'm not looking to do that. I just want improve MPGs a bit.

As a supplement, adding Hydrogen and oxygen to the mix which makes a lot of sense.

The problems I see are

1. The mix. How many Liters per minute (for my engine) is needed to supplement at highway speed (approx. 2300 to 2500 RPM) to keep the engine from burning holes in the pistons and ideally run at normal temps? I have researched a lot and no one seems to address that question. I have seen claims that 1LPM almost doubled the MPG of a moterhome with a V8. I think that is a bit "too good to be true", but I don't really know.

2. At a heaver 15 to 20+ amp draw, is this going to negate the fuel savings? Is this draw going to burn out my very expensive alternator? Is there a way to lower the amp draw? Does pulsing the current work? Is a dry cell better than a wet cell?

3. Having to constantly monitor and adjust settings as you drive. Is there something, a box that I can buy, that adjusts automatically?

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Old 12-06-2010, 09:53 AM   #2
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Re: How much Hydrogen (LPM) is needed?

Hi Frog.
Drawing solely from my experience mostly with a 460ci Lincoln...

1. Nobody has addressed that because it isn't possible. As commercials used to say: Your mileage may vary. You may have to retard the timing. I had a kind hearted bicyclist in passing raise his hand and rotate it (suggesting my car was pinging). My hearing sucks.

2. 8 amps was enough for my Lincoln Town Car. With my "new" 1982 GMC S10 2.6 liter pickup I am building a unit 1/3 that size. Will post here.

3. IMHO, that is a waste of time, effort and cash.

Bottom line though, is I believe HHO is a real asset if you are willing to work the bugs out.

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Old 12-08-2010, 11:10 PM   #3
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Re: How much Hydrogen (LPM) is needed?

"willing to work the bugs out"
That's the key to this. Lot's of investment, lots of time, minimal gains if any. If that sounds like a project your willing try, go for it. That's not to say I don't think it's really cool and I do hope you try it, just know what your getting into.

1) I've hear 1/2LPM per 1L of your engine is good, I've also hear 1LPM to 1L, and 1/4LPM to 1L. So somewhere in there.... you'll have to tweak it to really know.
2)hey, that's five questions! so: maybe, maybe, make less gas or use a more efficient cell, yes depending on what your trying to do, yes they are genraly more efficient.
3)Not that I know of, but you could make one...
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