i built several hho gens in the past 3months. started as a experiment to see if u could really burn water. was so amazed i quit my job to perfect my build. lol. my first 3 were ok to say the least (glass jars r bad) i gave them away to family to show to their friends that water can actually produce a flammable gas.
i later sold the next 3 i had made (for cost of materials) and traded 1 at a swap meet for 100$ worth of new mufflers. i have had no complaints from anybody. i have 1 on my jeep 04' w/mudtires and lift with consistent 35% gains in mpg. (actually about 42% but for sake of argument) i drive 65-70 mph
and in noway do i hypermile...lol...to ask the ? does it really work ...YES..im finishing my last build its a dry cell design and will call it good enough for me...got to go back to work...lol..i do not use a pwm or any other stuff i dont think you need ...production is all in the mix and the amps...i bought a volume control knob from radioshack and spliced it to my map sensor to control the fuel ratio of the gasoline...thats it..no o2 whatever or pwm or etc...my cell is producing about 1ltr per min on 6 cyl engine...without the control of fuel ratio the mpg greatly decrease...engine runs too rich too run properly...my setup is 12v and 16amps cold then 27 amps hot..i use a 30amp breaker and tested it and never blows breaker with mix i use...to much it will tho...i spent the most of time finding right mix (both chem and amount) to draw as close to 30 amps as i could..
it works ..check out u tube we are all over on there...look at dates though so you build off newer designs and learn from everyones mistakes..
i spent 1 week straight studying you tube peeps designs and trial and errors..
i use to install satellite dishes and would go through 1 and then some tanks of gas a DAY thats why i quit ...was spending 1/3 of my income every week on fuel...i have been to votech and worked on my cars and friends and familys for 18 years now...
now one thing of truth and boggles my brain is these numbers (35-42%) are highway numbers..im not seeing much gains in city...i think i need to get the hho into the intake manifold (vacuum) for idle and low rpm situations...
but most of my driving is hwy miles so ill take what i got and go to work again...my proofs r on youtube and can e-mail to whoever...
im not selling anything and just to answer your question "yes it does"
its so easy to build a test just take to plates stainless or not attach + to plate and - to other space the plates with somethin (rubber fish lure) about a 1/4" apart wrap tape around the thing to hold it together find something to hold water (5 gal bucket) drop it in connect to 12v battery add some baking soda to water to make it more electrocutable (or koolaid, chocolate syrup, salt or my fav is ph+ for swim pool) and wait for bubbles sometimes first time may take up to 30 min to really get going what i do to test the bubbles and demonstrate is light them with lighter and watch them pop...
there you go shouldnt take you to long to see for yourself and answer your own question...for test use any steel metal stainless is long term rust free but does work better...food grade stainless good start from dish isle at walmart

i think everyone should try it and see for themselves

truly blew my mind got any questions or probs im more than happy to assist ... peace out