It has been slow going getting this mini pickup ready for HHO. I bought it with 65,000 actual miles without realizing the previous owner never did ANY maintenance. The only part of the engine that was usable was the block. Original brakes, shocks rusted on, TWO INCHES of cigarette buts on the cab floor. Weeks to remove hail dents. I started last August.
It is not broken in yet, but I started installing the HHO gen...

Four HHO cels lined up in a rack on the inside of the right fender. The end closest to the firewall has the vacuum switch and relay that turns the HHO on and off.

This is a 120 watt solar panel that will mount on the deck behind the cab. Measures 56" X 26.5"
In theory, the solar panel will reduce alternator load and therefore power robing.