I use this bike to ride to school on nice days [about 120rt]. When I first got her I got about 45mpg. I've really only done 2 performance mods. One was to put on some custom pipes that really reduced back pressure. Only real tweak with that mod was that I had to rich up the idle mix screws for each carb. The other performance mod was to go from a 42 tooth rear sprocket to a 38 toother. It cut down a bit of the speed from a dead start, but its a cruiser nota rocket so who cares. Upside is that it really lowers the rpms on the highway. I no longer feel like I'm riding a chainsaw and I'm getting 58+mpg on the highway. This is despite the fact that I I swapped the stock 180 rear tire on the stock rim for a 200 tire on a vtx rim which is an inch wider I think. Yeah, I know its prolly hurting mpg, but I get a lot of comments on my fat rear end so it does catch people's eyes. Here's some pics of how the bike looked last year.
Since then I've put on some different bars, but I thin I'm gonna go back to the stockers in the pics because they're less of a reach. I've also changed the seat to a mustang saddle. The one in the pics is a stock seat that I had shaved down and gel padded. More comfy than the stocker, but not as good on a long ride as the mustang. I'll see if I can get some new pics in the next few days.