07-25-2007, 09:46 PM
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Where's the commuter cars?
Why are most cars designed to hold 5 people and still have trunk space? Everyone knows most cars hold one - maybe two - people at a time almost all the time. I can only think of a few occasions that I had more than 2 people in the car, and they were specifically to carpool long distance to reduce more cars being on the road.
So why are there almost no commuter 2 seaters?
The more I drive my car alone, with an empty wagon, the more I wish I had an Insight or a Metro. I've been trying to convince my other half that when we considering buying a new car, I'd preffer something tiny since we would likely only drive it with 1 or 2 people in it 98% of the time. She asked what happens if we own a 2 seater and need to bring more people... the simple answer: don't they have a car?
07-25-2007, 10:06 PM
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Originally Posted by GeekGuyAndy
She asked what happens if we own a 2 seater and need to bring more people
In an ideal world a single or a two seater would be fine, but because of the "what if" cars seat 5, have V6s to V10s and a whole host of stuff that 99% of their buying market never uses or really needs.
07-25-2007, 10:19 PM
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GeekGuyAndy -
I can't justify the insurance cost of another car. One car for me and one for my wife. My wagonette weighs 2450 pounds stock, so I think I have a good utility/economy compromise.
How hard is it to remove your passenger seat? If it's easy, you can gut the interior during the week and put it back together (lego style!) as needed.
EDIT : If I was in the money, I'd restore a CRX HF, the ultimate 2 seat/practical car. I wonder if you could put a VX engine in a CRX?
07-26-2007, 04:43 AM
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Well, to answer her question, "what if", you can have one car with room for 4 or 5, and one car with room for 2.
Too bad insurance isn't charged just by the mile. I think that insurance costs are a major disincentive to having a commuter car.
07-26-2007, 05:56 AM
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Originally Posted by GeekGuyAndy
Why are most cars designed to hold 5 people and still have trunk space? Everyone knows most cars hold one - maybe two - people at a time almost all the time. ....... 
Because of what ifs and convenience. People today like to be able to do EVERYTHING themselves and put high value on independence, even when extremely impractical. Consider someone who buys a trailer fopr their car and keep it in their garage so they never have to pay U-Haul. Hardly worth the rent savings unless you use it often enough. Or the couple who buy a vacation home so they can get away whenever they can (MAYBE 3 weeks per year) as oppossed to just renting a nice vaca/bed&breakfast/or another alternative. Americans have money to spend. And out society provides and profits off of it.
Originally Posted by GeekGuyAndy
......what happens if we own a 2 seater and need to bring more people... the simple answer: don't they have a car? 
I thin the better alternative if wifey wants to be able to accomodate others is to keep one car that seats 4/5 and another for economy. I have 4Runner that can haul light loads that sits at home for g/f and 98Camry that I bought mainly to save gas. Whoever is driving longer distance for the day (so far me every day) is the one who takes the Camry.
07-26-2007, 06:01 AM
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I agree on the added costs. I only need a single seater for 90% of the time, but that 10% when I have my girlfriend and 3 daughters, I need a sedan. I can't justify buying a second car due to the added costs. However, if I lived a little closer to work and it was nice out, I could use my Riva Scooter!
2005 Saturn VUE 2.2L 5-Speed FWD
07-26-2007, 06:18 AM
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Originally Posted by StanleyD
...Consider someone who buys a trailer fopr their car and keep it in their garage so they never have to pay U-Haul. Hardly worth the rent savings unless you use it often enough...
If only every (ok, 99.999%) pickup owner would get a trailer and a small car.
Originally Posted by OdieTurbo
I agree on the added costs. I only need a single seater for 90% of the time, but that 10% when I have my girlfriend and 3 daughters, I need a sedan. I can't justify buying a second car due to the added costs. However, if I lived a little closer to work and it was nice out, I could use my Riva Scooter! 
FYI, I converted my metro to a 5 seater by adding another belt in the middle (from the saturn parts car). We only occasionally have three kids in back though.
Used to be we would just lay on the carpet in the back of the AMX
07-26-2007, 07:05 AM
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what about a "people trailer" the basic idea is that you have a one or two seater for all your solo driving, with an "add on"... lets say a trailer or something more elegant that attaches to the back capable of seating, 2 or 4 people. alternatively you could have other options such as picups or cargo space. ideally you'd want the passengers to be able to have direct contact witht he driver, so perhaps it would look more like a car sawn in half with alternative rear ends. the driver could be in the middle so that the minimal configuration would be smaller than the average car. perhaps with a single rear wheel that would make for a nice tapered shape and a small unit if saparated. in minimal configuration youd have power to spare so you'd be driving about in a sleek vehicle with a sporty feel. (this could be a potential week point for the heavy footed driver)
and when you go in a family trip you just hook up the pasenger compartment or even a living compartment with an aditional helper motor turning your little trike into a full sized rv....but that extreme
07-26-2007, 09:03 AM
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I'm doing fine (FE-wise) in my 5 seater.
07-26-2007, 09:23 AM
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How about trucks? A lot of people drive trucks with 2 real seats (or maybe a bench that holds 3), but when needed they can fit another 2 people in the back. Sure it's not the most comfortable thing, but then it accomodates for not needing a big car most o the time, while still allowing it to hold 4 (or 5). Why not make a car like that? 2 big seats, but room to hold 2 more in the back.
Oh right. I forgot most people would rather pay $20k for a new car that holds 5 and all their Prada bags.
I wish gas would just start skyrocketing now so that the changes are made before it's too late. It's total crap that the car companies say that they can't even make a 35mpg average fleet. Start making commuter cars and that average will be easy.
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