Some promising numbers from a Jeep Patriot!
My Jeep is new, 900 odd miles on the odometer(it was in Wisconsin, driven to the dealership in MI and then from there to my house, accounting for the 600 or so other miles). It was delivered to me on Tuesday of this week and this is what I came up with for mileage so far. These figures were not backed up by my ScanGauge because that is still in my Nissan truck.
First Tank - 205.0 miles, 86.4 around town and the rest on I-75 between Sault Ste Marie and Gaylord, MI. 7.50 gallons of gas for and average of 27.33.
Second Tank - 110.2 miles, all highway, at speeds from 55 to 65, from Gaylord back to Sault Ste Marie. Temps were 48 to 52 with some rain showers and winds out of the west at 15 mph. 3.08 gallons for an average of 35.78!
Yeah, I know it wasn't measured with the ScanGauge and it wasn't a long tank, but Yikes! Especially considering the engine is not broken in yet! I think I'm gonna be happy with this little SUV.