For the most part I'm compleatly happy with my car, it's the 3rd hatch back I've owned, my first was a 1984 civic dx, the 2nd was a 1985 CRX-HF, both awsome cars as well, so when I was looking for something that I could fit 4 adults in comfertably, and use for work (carpentry), I knew that a hatch back would fill all my needs, I'm around 6 feet tall, and have 2+ inches of extra head room in the front, and 1+ extra sitting in the back, and have had friends who are 6' 4" fit in the front without issue, and with more front leg room the other cars of simaler size.
I do almost all my own mecanical work, and it seems like all the important things that get checked, or replaced regularly are easy to get to, even the timing belt/water pump (every 100,000 miles) altho the engine mount has to be removed to getthe timing belt off, but even that is reasonably easy to do.
The only thing I am not overly impressed with is the short life on the drivers seat, the cloth on them wears out rather quickly, it can also be hard to find one of these cars as they are popular with amiture racers who tend to abuse them, and do their best to make them drive as rough as possible.
For all practical reasons, I plan to keep this car untill it becomes unfit to drive, and could only see giving it up to replace it with something more efficent like an Insight.