^^ Do you still have the Jeep?
Going to the football game this weekend? I hear they have extra tickets available

(and who cares about finals anyway)
My first car was an SW2 ('93 DOHC). I loved it. We threw all sorts of bad karma, crap etc. at it - and it just wouldn't die. When my parents got a hold of it (I had a new car, this car was then handed over), they let the oil run dry. The timing chain guides blew apart and the chain started eating through the valve cover - but it still ran like a champ (replacement was messy, but pretty cheap and DIYable)

I'd love to tell you the mileage I got, but the odometer broke at 68K miles (and 4 or so years before selling)

But yes, as said on saturnfans - check your oil... and you'll never need to replace the timing chain