ALS - I've got a Cushman Turf Truckster that is bigger than the Smart
Lug_Nut - oh my!! AND I thought I proofread it decent DOH!!!
Three6Eight - some of my other cars that I don't list here draw a crowd but this is off the scale. There was a lady that passed me today in oncoming traffic and the look on her face was hilarious - her jaw had dropped a good 10 inches (NO Lug_Nut NO!! Don't do it!

) I thought she was going to run into the median. Went to a car show on Saturday and they came out to the parking lot to ask me if I would drive onto the show field as I was "stealing" their spectators

. I went on in as I know a good amount of the people in the local car show scene. H1's don't get that much attention round here, oh how'd I love to convert one to WVO.