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Old 07-13-2007, 07:47 PM   #11
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Motor week said

Motor week did a test on the Aveo and the Yaris and a couple of others.
(Both were stick shifts)

The Aveo got 26MPG on their test loop and the Yaris got 39 MPG on the same test loop. 50% difference!

I have heard them say they try and run all cars on the test loop at the same speed and driving style.

I really like the way the aveo looks and how it sits inside but 26mpg?

My Crown Vic will average 22 if you drive it easy and it is heavy with good power.

I know that the Yaris and the Aveo are about the same weight, frontal area, displacement and horse power.

I also bet the gearing is very close. So why does it use 50% more fuel to run down the road than the Yaris?

I am stumped. I would buy one tomorrow if the mileage was good.


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Old 07-13-2007, 09:37 PM   #12
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My mazda 626 sedan with a 2-liter engine (0-60 in about 12 seconds) got the same mileage as my Element (160 hp, 0-60 in 8.5 seconds hauling a lot more weight). Some cars are efficient, and some are not... Weird, for sure.

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Old 07-13-2007, 10:25 PM   #13
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Bill -

Originally Posted by Bill in Houston View Post
My mazda 626 sedan with a 2-liter engine (0-60 in about 12 seconds) got the same mileage as my Element (160 hp, 0-60 in 8.5 seconds hauling a lot more weight). Some cars are efficient, and some are not... Weird, for sure.
I have always thought of Mazda as ready to trade economy for performance (I thought this before the zoom-zoom campaign). It seems like all their cars get a few MPG lower than their Japanese competition, placing them between Japanese cars and American cars FE wise. I've always had the impression that Mazda could do better if it wanted to.

Old School SW2 EPA ... New School Civic EPA :

What's your EPA MPG? https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/calculatorSelectYear.jsp
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Old 07-13-2007, 11:36 PM   #14
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lol you mean to tell me they finally designed a cup holder that actually holds cups!?!?!?

GO WINDOW CRANKS! i hate power s*** for a reason cuz it always breaks and for one of those window motors or actuators its an arm and a leg!

huh wonder wtf happened with the fuel economy? cuz my 2.2L TRUCK gets 27.4 around town...

sounds like they need to redesign it with better gearing and less get up and go. I'm betting they geared it for acceleration and not so much cruising speeds. cuz my chevette has a 1.6L 4speed and it got 37.8 mpg last fill up, and its 28 years old! yet it cant get going for s***

you would think for somehitng that small with that small of an engine that it would get better than that....i do like the interior tho. steering wheel looks a bit weird but not bad

oh and psyshack: sounds like that guy hasn't looked at any of todays cars. his old Buick was well a Buick, not a cheapo economy car. and it prolyl had fancy trim and door panels with half plush vinyl on them with little chrome accents everywhere. lol sounds like hes trying to compare it to his Buick too much. maybe the seat is just now breaking in? lol people going from full size trucks and impalas (mid sized) to economy tiny box are prolly trying to drive them/expecting them to perform just as good as their cars and truck that cost twice as much. lol you would think when your going to make a major purchase you would try to find out everyhtng about it first. and maybe test drive different ones in different scenarios to see if you like it, not just show up on the lot say ooh i like it and then pay for it and drive off...

just because you know ppl who obviously didn't even test drive the aveo before they bought it and then say its horrible doesn't mean GM puts out crap...id trust a gm over most anything else
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Old 07-14-2007, 01:53 AM   #15
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I heard a car commercial this morning bragging about an 'amazing' 35 MPG.
I think as long as people hear stuff like that and don't know that cars used to get twice that, they will asume that this is real progress.
So what makes it suck down so much fuel ?? As small and light as the car is it should get twice that kind of FE.

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