Who still needed one? Shoot me an email: cypressdowns@aol.com or just respond here. I've got a Civic VX wheel if you're interested. I think I even still have the original centercap to go with it. Yes, this is the real VX - 13" rim. (better yet, just repond here).
I bought two new rims from Discounttire.com ( aka; america's tire)14" steel for my Cavalier for $52 each. I picked mine up locally at the store,but they do ship. They have a fairly wide price range and the web site did say what was in stock at the local stores and where these stores were located. I was getting new tires anyway,but preferred to put them on the car myself to avoid crushing my aero mods.
Who still needed one? Shoot me an email: cypressdowns@aol.com or just respond here. I've got a Civic VX wheel if you're interested. I think I even still have the original centercap to go with it. Yes, this is the real VX - 13" rim. (better yet, just repond here).
i got 2 spare VX rims available.... $100 n shipping. one has a lil material missing near the lug hole but i had them polished 2yrs ago to smooth it a little. no tires on them. ustolemypen@yahoo.com if your interested