Will be selling the FrankenCivic
Info can be had here:
Vehicle runs, although I havn't driven it since October. I will recharge the battery and make sure it's in working order tomorrow or tuesday.
This is one of the most unique civics I've ever seen.
1989 Civic LX with a d15z1 and a CRX HF transmission. Comes with working power windows, power locks, air conditioning, and power steering.
- new wideband o2 sensor ($170 value on ebay. Over $400 at the dealership)
- Honda Civic VX rims ($200 value)
- Civic EX interior ($75 value)
- rare optional audio console ($50 value)
- Rywire obd0->obd1 conversion harness ($130 value)
- fresh d15z1 engine from www.nippon-motors.com (under 60k) ($500 value)
- new clutch release (throwout) bearing ($30 value)
- new axle transmission seals ($20 value)
- new spark plugs
- new spark plug wires
- fairly new paint (not professional, but it's a 20 year old car).
- All new trim from www.hondapartsdeals.com ($200 value)
- chasis has 146k miles
- there is some tint left on the rear window
- hood won't close all of the way. I think that there is something in the way, but I havn't looked yet. Hood DOES lock, so driving isn't an issue.
- drivers door is a tad misaligned. Easy fix with 30 minutes of spare time and a 12mm socket wrench.
- There MAY be a small coolant leak. After driving it for over 3 months after the swap, I needed to put more fluid in. If there is a leak, it's VERY slow and easy to fix. Probably just need a new hose somewhere.
- ECU is not put away. I put it in it's proper place once and a ground shorted causing the gauge cluster to go up in smoke. I have since replaced the gauge cluster and added an extra fuse to the new cluster in case it happens again.
- Passenger window regulator needs replacing, but I will give you two BRAND NEW window regulators (see below)
For GasSavers Members, I'll throw in the following spare parts:
- 1 set of tires - barely used, under 300 miles. ($300 value)
- 1 extra vtec distributor (sell it on ebay or keep it as a spare) (seem them sell for anywhere between $30 and $150)
- 1 set of extra taillights - current set has a small chemical burn from removing the old paint.
- 1 generic car cover
- 2 brand new window regulators for the front windows. (Honda charges over $300 for these)
- 1 set of 1985 CRX HF lightweight drums. I havn't installed them yet but you get them for the extra 2lbs saving on each side.
I'm hoping to get
$1000 for this. I'm WAY underselling what it's worth, but the fact is that this is a project in progress. All of the difficult stuff is done, but I don't feel comfortable selling this to a non-car person who isn't able to fix it or fine-tune it.
I have never driven it on a long road trip, so i would not advise buying it and driving it across country.
Location: Salt Lake City, UT.