I have adopted a "less is more" approach to life. The less you have, the more you appreciate what you have. This can apply to things from cars to food to heating and cooling.
I pay roughly $20 per month for my cell phone over here in Japan. You can't get a better plan, short of sticking with the same company for a loooong time.
I am not into biking, so I don't really know what Nitto stuff would go for over here. Not many people are into biking here though. Most people do own a bike, but it is usually a three speed, with a friction powered light, splash guards, comfy seat, upright sitting design, bell, basket, and a lock, to name the first things that come to my mind. Bikes are designed to work in place of a car pretty much... and THAT is exactly how I use mine. Too bad it would cost more to ship one back to the U.S. than it would to actually buy the things in the first place. Oh, that and America (at least where I live in Michigan) is too spread out to make good use of a bike.