I have a used CCRM for a Ford Escort 1998-2003 for sale for $60. and your old CCRM. Since the car will not run without a CCRM and you can't send the old CCRM to me until the new one is installed there will be a $15. core charge that will be refunded when I receive your old one.
I still have the used CCRM for the '98-03 Ford Escort and now have one for a '97 Ford Escort or a '97 Ford Taurus. All the details of the sale are the same. These parts cost between $200-$300 if bought new from the Ford dealer.
I decided it was time to give this one a bump since spring/summer are upon us and the problem that usually occurs with a bad CCRM is the a/c not working properly.
I'm looking for a ccrm for my 98 zx2... pn # F8CF-12B577-AC
Please let me know if you have one. It's too hot in Texas to drive with no A/C.. lol
Thank You