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CLfrederick all for sale / wanted cars & trucks - by owner
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wncg8-4019571396@sale.craigslist.org [
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Posted: 2013-08-22, 7:58PM EDT
1992 Honda Civic VX Hatchback 50MPG - $2500 (Frederick, MD)
I am posting my 92 civic VX for sale. IT can get about 50MPG has air conditioning 280,000 miles and still runs great, 5 speed manual transmission, and needs like nothing. Doesn't burn or leak any fluids. The oil was changed every 3000 miles I have owned it. The only reason I am selling the car is because I have 3 other vehicles and I need to downsize. I know what this vehicle is and I know what it's got to offer, so please don't waste my time. You will really save yourself tons of money in fuel..
I'm only willing to trade it for guns, motorcyles (street bikes), quads, an enclosed trailer, and maybe apple products. Send me your phone number in your response so I know you are real.
- Location: Frederick, MD
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Posting ID: 4019571396
Posted: 2013-08-22, 7:58PM EDT
Updated: 2013-08-26, 6:51PM EDT
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