Originally Posted by Hockey4mnhs
we just re did our whoal lighting system in our house. switched all of the lights to can lights with cfls in them i was so happy to get it done.
Are you using the actual spotlight style CFLs or regular ones? I've found that the spotlight style CFLs (spotlight housing with a coiled CFL behind it) run a lot hotter than regular coils and don't have nearly as much light output. After one started sparking and stinking on me, and the other ones looking to be in the same condition, I decided to try regular CFLs in my surface mount cans, and they work a lot better. Light output is a lot better, and they run cooler. I'll miss that slow warmup time in the winter when it took 5 minutes for them to reach full lighting in the mornings, but not the fire risk.
I'm REALLY looking forward to the LED bulbs that are supposed to be whole-house capable in a couple of years, because those CFLs come with all sorts of drawbacks to go with their reduced power consumption, main one being that about 30 percent of the CFL failures I've had came with sparking, smoking, and in a couple of cases melting.