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Old 02-22-2006, 02:06 AM   #1
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Old 02-22-2006, 04:49 AM   #2
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What an *******!

What an *******!

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Old 02-22-2006, 05:01 AM   #3
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How hard is it to bump start the car smoothly - DO you get the idea that he just dumps the clutch instead of just popping it out for a second and then pushing it back in as the engine starts - DUH?
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Old 02-22-2006, 06:39 AM   #4
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Re: bumping

Originally Posted by JanGeo
DO you get the idea that he just dumps the clutch instead of just popping it out for a second and then pushing it back in as the engine starts
that, plus i'd guess he's also doing it the gear he intends to use for his current road speed, where i always bump start (using the technique you describe) in 4th or 5th - then switch to the speed appropriate gear.

when i bump start, i usually can't feel the engine start. i have a habit of checking the idiot lights (i don't have a tach!) to make sure it's running before i engage the speed-appropriate gear and step on the gas.

krousdb - did you invite the GH "victim" to come visit gassavers?
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Old 02-22-2006, 09:30 AM   #5
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Re: bumping

Originally Posted by MetroMPG

krousdb - did you invite the GH "victim" to come visit gassavers?
I explained that I bump start in 4th or 5th and that is is just a bump to get the engine running and disengage the clutch immediately. Leaving it in high gear at low speeds will cause quite an impact to the drivetrain. I didn't specifically invite him here but told him I could recommend another site if he was looking. I have not heard back from him.

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Old 02-22-2006, 11:04 AM   #6
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Re: bumping

Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Originally Posted by JanGeo
DO you get the idea that he just dumps the clutch instead of just popping it out for a second and then pushing it back in as the engine starts
that, plus i'd guess he's also doing it the gear he intends to use for his current road speed, where i always bump start (using the technique you describe) in 4th or 5th - then switch to the speed appropriate gear.

when i bump start, i usually can't feel the engine start. i have a habit of checking the idiot lights (i don't have a tach!) to make sure it's running before i engage the speed-appropriate gear and step on the gas.

krousdb - did you invite the GH "victim" to come visit gassavers?
Sorry to get off the topic but you should get a tach. A tach is very useful in fuel economy. I always look at my tech when I'm pressing the gas to see where I should let off or press harder.

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Old 02-22-2006, 11:09 AM   #7
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my new home whoo!!!

my new home whoo!!!

haha ya seriously guys how do you bump start so smoothly? I JUST CAN"T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i wish you can bump start in neutral, then maybe the engine wouldn't pull the car too when it restart, (but then where's the torque to restart the engine?...) because when it does that its a really really NASTY shock

don't tell me I have to only rely on the starter and 12 volt ;( my coasting dreams are over!!

yes dan i was thinking exactly like that... what if i restart the engine then immediately pull it into neutral to avoid the start shock? I'll keep you guys updated! Who knew saving gas can be so much fun! Coasting with engine off is truly a blessing.

How hard is it to bump start the car smoothly - DO you get the idea that he just dumps the clutch instead of just popping it out for a second and then pushing it back in as the engine starts - DUH?
lol damn i'll keep that in mind too, what i did was as I let the clutch out slowly i gas a little. Then when the engine comes back to life I let the clutch out completely and gas some more ( OPPS ).

all i want to do is turn the engine on smoothly without disrupting the whole car. Once I learn that watch the numbers grow! Garenteeed.
If your reading this, then good for you, your saving some gas because your here.
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Old 02-22-2006, 11:19 AM   #8
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Also liked this comment from

Also liked this comment from someone else.

"What makes a good hypermiler?

One who beats the rated EPA MPG, and does it in a way so that the other drivers don't notice you."

This is what pisses me off. Other drivers expect you to drive right but always cut you off. Whenever I do my mpg tests either day or night someone ALWAYS cuts me off or gets right in front of me and slows down to 5 below the speed limit. I never even drive in the right lane because I know that cars exit and enter the freeway using that lane. And still this happens. I get cut off or somebody slows down to the point where I have to brake and then change lanes and have to turn my cruise control on. Not to mention to get to get to the gas station I have to go through 4-5 lights and still get 32mpg.

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Old 02-22-2006, 12:34 PM   #9
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Re: my new home whoo!!!

Originally Posted by philmcneal
all i want to do is turn the engine on smoothly without disrupting the whole car. Once I learn that watch the numbers grow! Garenteeed.
I'm thinking that the problem might be that you are moving too slow when you try to bump start. I typically restart before I get below 20 MPH, usually in 4th or 5th gear. While going down steep hills I just leave the ICE on an use engine braking. Hondas shut off the fuel when the throttle is closed and the rpms are about 1100. At least on the 90's Hondas. In that case, killing the ICE doesnt buy you anything.

Just one more thing to point out after re reading your post on GH. I actually do not use pulse and glide. Since I am in a hilly region I am usually either climbing a hill or coasting down, ICE off on gradual slopes and ICE on with engine braking on the steeper hills. You don't need to pulse and glide to get good numbers.

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Old 02-22-2006, 01:21 PM   #10
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Re: my new home whoo!!!

Originally Posted by philmcneal
my new home whoo!!!

haha ya seriously guys how do you bump start so smoothly? I JUST CAN"T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i wish you can bump start in neutral, then maybe the engine wouldn't pull the car too when it restart, (but then where's the torque to restart the engine?...) because when it does that its a really really NASTY shock

don't tell me I have to only rely on the starter and 12 volt ;( my coasting dreams are over!!

yes dan i was thinking exactly like that... what if i restart the engine then immediately pull it into neutral to avoid the start shock? I'll keep you guys updated! Who knew saving gas can be so much fun! Coasting with engine off is truly a blessing.

How hard is it to bump start the car smoothly - DO you get the idea that he just dumps the clutch instead of just popping it out for a second and then pushing it back in as the engine starts - DUH?
lol damn i'll keep that in mind too, what i did was as I let the clutch out slowly i gas a little. Then when the engine comes back to life I let the clutch out completely and gas some more ( OPPS ).

all i want to do is turn the engine on smoothly without disrupting the whole car. Once I learn that watch the numbers grow! Garenteeed.
What I usually do is use 4th gear down as low as 15 mph and I let the clutch out to the point just before it will grab then I, very quickly, release it some more and shove it back in. I don't have my foot on the gas at all when I'm bump starting. I've also gotten to where I don't feel any jolt at all when the engine starts. The tach just comes up to about 550 or so then I choose the proper gear and let out on the clucth and keep driving.

Horsepower is how hard you hit the wall, torque is how much of the wall you take with you.

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