awesome awesome awesome! Thanks for explaining the difference between the two, that made so much more sense. I'll keep you guys updated!
its funny i posted also the same question in and most of the replies are directed towards what I'm doing is not safe. I'm only reacting half a second slower to accelerate that's all, my brakes and steering is still fine. I don't see what's the fuss is all about? In all the situations I could think of when I really needed to punch it (to avoid whatever) , I'd never turn off my ICE in those conditions anyway.
Its not my problem anyway, people like to drive heavy cars
steps 1 to 3 i need to master, 4 and 6 i'm a pro already in regards to rev matching for the approiate gear =) Thanks again Metro!
wait one more question before i do some crazy things for my car:
when you pulse to speed (say up to 70km/h) in 3rd gear, your rpms should be quite high by this time (say 3000 + rpms) and when I put the gear into neutral do you wait for the revs to settle at idling then key off? Or key off immediately and watch that tach die like that?
Just wondering if the ^ imposed siutation would improve wear and tear.
edit: I can bump without even thinking about it! Didn't realize it would be that easy haha! How come I was never told this technique! I haven't got this excited about my own car ever since someone told me I could go into neutral without using the clutch (back then I was obessed about maintaining the clutch since I was new on it).
Although a few things I noticed, you can still glide quite far with neutral as it seems but engine off I think it makes that extra difference and its a huge bonus when the end of your coast there's a red light. Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, even better than the light turns green and you bump start and fly away!!!
But I advice newbies to try to coast with neutral first, to see how long the coasts are and maybe you can make a few adjustments as you go along. Once you got all the "pulse" points and coast points down you can start incorporating ICE off during the coast. Just watch out behind you!
75 km on the odometer and the fuel gauge still points at full! although sometimes it likes to be werid and point at half but at least I know it lies!

Now just thinking about the next drive sends excitement through my foot.
Now I just need some good coasting tunes.