Originally Posted by kps
Following myself up, it might be interesting to have a third top-ten list, ranking gas saved (vs EPA). The easy way would be as above, "gas saved per notional 10000 miles", which is a trivial calculation from average MPG. The hard way would be to calculate the actual gas saved in the last N miles on a tank-by-tank basis (probably N would be a few thousand; something close to what the average driver does in 90 days). Either way, the list would have no overlap with the top-ten MPG and might help get more people interested.
This sounds like a very good idea, because there are lots of ways to represent the data.
Why is there a problem with smaller segments

? For each entry, the user is either above or below the EPA combined MPG. If user travels X miles, the EPA MPG would predict Y gallons needed to cover those miles. If you subtract the actual gallons from the "Y" gallons predicted, you get the gallons saved. If the gallons saved is negative, then you are above the EPA
