So today was a general election day and up there were only 4 questions on the ballot for my county. They all involved my job, directly.
Question 1 was to renew a levy from 2002.
Question 2 was to adjust the renewed levy for inflation.
Question 3 was to make all busing free and to reduce after school sports/activity fees by half. Also this would open up all of the pools that we had at some of the middle schools and bring back swimming as part of Phys. Ed.
Question 4 was a bond for updating computers and to reduce the student to computer ratio from 9:1 to 5:1 for the entire district.
Question 1 had to pass in order for question 2 to be able to pass, then question 3 could only pass if both 1 and 2 passed. Question 4 was independent of the other three.
In the event that Question one failed, the district would have to make $42 million dollars in cuts by the start of the 2008 school year. In the event that question 1 passed but 2 failed, then we would have to have made $12 million dollars in cuts.
In both cases, my job would've been on the chopping block due to the sheer amount of money we would lose from having no levy support.
Ok, if you are still reading this, I'm sure you want to know the results.
Here they are:
Q#1 = Yes vote, Passed
Q#2 = Yes vote, Passed
Q#3 = No vote, Not Passed
Q#4 = No vote, Not Passed
What this means (the short answer):
I keep my job, but activity fees and the no free busing within 2 miles of a school deal stay as they are, as well as nearly all of the pools staying closed. It also means that we won't be getting any new computers for a looong time again.
So, in conclusion, I'm happy that things will be renewed and preserved....until the next levy vote. the next Levy vote will be in 7 years though.