Craiglist can be a PITA because for some mysterious reason, they don't want you to be able to do wider area searches easily (bot-phobia?).
In Most areas, ads will stay up for a whole month even after the item is sold. In other areas they're only up a week. It helps to check often. To make it easier, you can save bookmarks to specific searches.
For example, in the northeast, I have: (this search has a lot of noise because of an area called 'Metro West')
If you use Firefox, make use of the 'Live' bookmarks to specific searches by clicking on the
icon at the right end of the address bar and adding the link to your bookmarks.
Alternatively, you can use the
Bookmark Manager (see
Manage Bookmarks under
Bookmarks menu) and choose
New Live Bookmark... from the
File menu. Adding '&format=rss' to the end of the above urls for each live bookmark. For example, (note, if you just click on this url, you'll see raw XML since it doesn't have a stylesheet associated with it. Instead, paste it into the
Feed Location property of your live bookmark). Too geeky? Just click on the
icon once you have the search the way you like it.
You can create a folder full that you can scan in seconds for any new entries. Use IE?
V7 has a similar function supporting RSS feeds.