Originally Posted by krousdb
Where does the time go? Is it June already? As noted earlier, I just don't have as much time to drop by. Nor do I have anything exciting to report on the hypermiling front. At 700 miles per week it is a challenge to balance FE (58ish) with having time to spend with the family.
So I am racking up the miles on the Prius. Over 93k so far with no issues. Just change the oil and buy new tires every once in awhile. I plan to replace the Prius in 2009-2010 with the most interesting car that Toyota or honda can come up with. Hopefully something that will run on biodiesel. I expect to have 180k on the Prius by then. I wonder what the trade-in value will be?
I read that Honda plans on releasing their new hybrid in 2009 to replace the discontinued Insight. Supposed to be small, and still a four door. Should be exciting
Oh, and it's supposed to be cheap too.
Glad to have you back, albeit for an instant