When Supervisors/Managers/Superiors say the dumbest things...
Let me give you an idea of what mine says.
I said I need to go to the doctor. My supervisor says, "You can leave later and make it there in 10min". This is at 3pm during rushhour traffic. Now how the hell are you suppose to go 14 miles in 10 min???????? ESPECIALLY in rush hour traffic. The supervisor knew it was 14-15 miles.
So it's my birthday and I walk in. My supervisor knows it's my birthday. These are the first words coming out of the Supervisor's mouth..."You don't give a **** about anybody, you are a cold person." I don't know where that one came out from...
And my favorite...
I went to the bathroom and I come back 10 min-15 min later. My superviser asks me where I was and I said I was in the restroom. Then the funniest/weirdest thing comes out of the Supervisor's mouth, " I know you needed to go but this is not home, next time go faster." ROFLMAO!!!! I didn't know my butt had different poop speeds.
I have many more but it's late, I'll post some more later. Posting this kind of relieves stress. There were some that when the supervisor said me and my buddy laughed right in front of the supervisor face. It was too hard to hold in.