When Supervisors/Managers/Superiors say the dumbest things... - Fuelly Forums

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Old 12-05-2006, 01:00 AM   #1
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When Supervisors/Managers/Superiors say the dumbest things...

Let me give you an idea of what mine says.

I said I need to go to the doctor. My supervisor says, "You can leave later and make it there in 10min". This is at 3pm during rushhour traffic. Now how the hell are you suppose to go 14 miles in 10 min???????? ESPECIALLY in rush hour traffic. The supervisor knew it was 14-15 miles.

So it's my birthday and I walk in. My supervisor knows it's my birthday. These are the first words coming out of the Supervisor's mouth..."You don't give a **** about anybody, you are a cold person." I don't know where that one came out from...

And my favorite...
I went to the bathroom and I come back 10 min-15 min later. My superviser asks me where I was and I said I was in the restroom. Then the funniest/weirdest thing comes out of the Supervisor's mouth, " I know you needed to go but this is not home, next time go faster." ROFLMAO!!!! I didn't know my butt had different poop speeds.

I have many more but it's late, I'll post some more later. Posting this kind of relieves stress. There were some that when the supervisor said me and my buddy laughed right in front of the supervisor face. It was too hard to hold in.

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Old 12-05-2006, 03:47 AM   #2
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I see it myself all the time compaq. Fact is its never from my superiors. They know I will quit them. If they get to ate up with the dumba$$.

I hear it from customers and engineers.

Seeing that I work with centrifugal pumps a lot this is a common one for condenser water pumps.

Mechanical engineer specs a cooling tower and pumps for a system. I go out to inspect the job and start the pumps up. A common pump for this job is a Bell & Gossett VSC or HSC. I start up the pumps and set back and listen to the pump. Sounds like its pumping BB's. Reason, low suction pressure. Cooling tower isn't mounted high enough or they lay the pipe out with what amounts to a huge pea trap in it. Robing the pump of it static suction psi. Resulting in the pump having to create a vacume to move water. At this point the engineer goes into a long triad about how its not in a true vacume. Cause if it was we would all be dead. I just tell them to go over and lather the customer with there BS and explain to them why they are going to have to buy a new impeller from me every two years at a huge cost.
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Old 12-05-2006, 03:12 PM   #3
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your job sucks. definitely quit.
don't waste your time or time will waste you
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Old 12-05-2006, 11:28 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by thisisntjared
your job sucks. definitely quit.
all in good time.

This job very much agrees with my college schedule. I had to leave my last 2 jobs because there was a scheduling conflict.

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Old 12-12-2006, 04:07 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Compaq888
all in good time.

This job very much agrees with my college schedule. I had to leave my last 2 jobs because there was a scheduling conflict.

Well I found out how much school work I had to do and I called supervisor on Sunday night and requested 2 days off this week. The Supervisor told me to come on Monday for sure and we will see about Tues/Wed. My test is on Wed, so since I worked Monday the 2 days have to be Tuesday and Wednesday.

On monday I got a lot of bull**** that I would would come in on Tuesday and do a couple of hours of work and leave. From all the work that I did monday I could definetly see myself leaving 1-2pm on Tuesday. I asked about Wed. and I got the look that it was a definate no no.

I am taking this class for the 3rd time now, and I can't afford to fail it this time. My graduation is already 2010 and I started back in 2003. Not only this will delay my graduation by another year or 2(waiting list might get bigger) but I'm not taking this class for the 4th time. I did 90+ pages of labs, I have slept 5-6 hours the whole semester because of this.

So i remembered back when I was sick and the supervisor saw that I was sick. The supervisor said I looked so sick that I'm going to be sent home. So for the next 3-4 hours I was given some task to drag boxes. By that same supervisor.

So this morning I called in and said I was taking 2 days off for my personal use since they won't be given to me. The supervisor called my house, my cell phone, even my mom's cell phone WTF!!!!!!!!! To tell me to come in to work.

A lot of people can do my job there that I was doing and I'm sure they will survive without me for 2 days.

If I get fired then fine. I'm not going to take this BS anymore and just take out a loan and finish my education.

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Old 12-12-2006, 05:26 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Compaq888
I have slept 5-6 hours the whole semester because of this.
I somehow doubt that you've only slept 5-6 hours the entire semester.

The situation sucks though. I think you did the right thing.
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Old 12-07-2006, 03:59 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Compaq888
Let me give you an idea of what mine says.

I said I need to go to the doctor. My supervisor says, "You can leave later and make it there in 10min". This is at 3pm during rushhour traffic. Now how the hell are you suppose to go 14 miles in 10 min???????? ESPECIALLY in rush hour traffic. The supervisor knew it was 14-15 miles.

So it's my birthday and I walk in. My supervisor knows it's my birthday. These are the first words coming out of the Supervisor's mouth..."You don't give a **** about anybody, you are a cold person." I don't know where that one came out from...

And my favorite...
I went to the bathroom and I come back 10 min-15 min later. My superviser asks me where I was and I said I was in the restroom. Then the funniest/weirdest thing comes out of the Supervisor's mouth, " I know you needed to go but this is not home, next time go faster." ROFLMAO!!!! I didn't know my butt had different poop speeds.

I have many more but it's late, I'll post some more later. Posting this kind of relieves stress. There were some that when the supervisor said me and my buddy laughed right in front of the supervisor face. It was too hard to hold in.
Is anyone else aware of his drinking problem?

I've worked for a few active alcoholics. My favorite quote by one was when my boss joined in a group coworker discussion about things that annoy us with "you know what I hate? I hate those stupid drunk driving laws. [stunned silence] I mean if people don't feel safe, they should stay home. I mean people have to die." In his pickled brain, this actually made sense. Then he went out to his car to drink some more mouthwash.

We had a game we called the daily numbers. It was based on how far away from him you could get and still get high off the fumes. He stunk so bad, I think he melted my keyboard.
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. - Albert Einstein
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Old 12-13-2006, 11:00 AM   #8
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Don't put work ahead of school. they know when you finish that you will probly leave anyways.
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Old 12-13-2006, 11:34 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by LxMike
Don't put work ahead of school. they know when you finish that you will probly leave anyways.
I'm not. Me getting $8 and some change is not a good reason to skip my classes.

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Old 12-13-2006, 11:26 PM   #10
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When I was state manager of a electronics company I used to greet my workers every day, and then at the end of the day I would thank them for coming today and asked if they would be coming in tomorow.
These were full time positions so if they didn't come in it meant they were quiting so of course the expected answer would YES.
But anyway I asked them and didn't tell them to come.
In fact , I almost never told them to do anything.

This combined with the Sticky tape base ball matches and radio controlled car races (inside the store) kept everyone stress free and highly efficient.
We would also have an afternoon , I guess you could call it a meal , together and talk about stuff not work related.

Did it work , YUP.

While I was there we were doubling our sales every month and within 2 years were neck and neck with the main store that had been established for 20 years.

Dominating bosses are a thing of the past , treat your employees nice and they will jump through hoops for you.
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