whats your opinion on Global Warming...
hot topic these days... Despite having a degree in evironmental science (actually Water Resources Management, whith minors in Wetlands and Soils), I will be the first to admit that I know very little when it comes down to solid facts about global warming.
Unfortunately, i also have to admit that I have gone along with the flow... without doing my own research, i have assumed that all or most scientist agree that man is to blame for global warming. while i have always had a problem with some of the media's portrayal of the earth's destruction in as little as 13 years... i am/was a little concerned about the future of our society.
Ok... so now i have been doing more reading and finding out that there are scientists out there (and im not talking wacky conservative extreamists) who dont believe that man is to blame for global warming... and that changes in the temperature is constantaly changing... they have plenty of evidence to back it up. even some 'environmentalists' who, while are for protecting our earth, still dont believe in global warming.
To be honest, i dont think that Sheryl Crowe or Leo D. have any more knowledge of global warming than you or me... and i certainly believe that the media likes to (not only this topic) run storys that seem to "stretch the truth" for ratings.. so just because my local news guy says that the earth is going to overheat in 15 years, doesnt mean its true... and just because Sheryl tells me to use 1 square to wipe my *** doesnt mean that it will change the environment.
anyways.. i find it interesting that this is such a party-line topic... i dont know any liberals who dont believe in global warming and i dont know any conservatives who DO believe in it... and each side is soo set in stone on thier beliefs they are not open to the fact that there may be some middle ground, or willing to accept that they may possibly be wrong.
so... any brave souls want to chime in on thier thoughts?