What's the point of living anymore??? (personal stuff- If you don't like reading personal stuff then don't open the thread) - Fuelly Forums

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Old 04-02-2006, 03:06 PM   #1
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going to tell me to see a shrink then don't respond. The question is still the same what's the point of living anymore??? Everybody around me hates me due to my "attitude" problems. What do you expect when people judge you before they even tal

1. If you're going to tell me to see a shrink then don't respond.

The question is still the same what's the point of living anymore???

Everybody around me hates me due to my "attitude" problems. What do you expect when people judge you before they even talk to you. I know I'm ugly, but my religion even made it worse when I used to live in Europe, even though I didn't practice it. I'm a jew, everybody over there hates jews and treated them like ****.

I know I'm messed up in the head because I didn't start talking till 3. I went to the mad house when I was a kid and got shots every day. Nothing helped so they released me. When I moved to America I went to see all kinds of shrinks that didn't do anything except gave me pills. They just want money so I went to them and they just talked crap. I have seen what must of been a dozen shrinks. They discovered I have ADD and some other stuff.

Ever since 1 I had stomach problems so every time I go to the bathroom my stomach hurts like somebody stabbed me. I've been on a special diet so I've decreased my time in the bathroom from 35-50min to 20-25min. Do you know how hard it is to go to the bathroom and come back an hour later???? Students laughed at me all the time when I came back from the bathroom 45 min minutes later. All the time. If you are thinking why don't you just hold it in???? Well the longer I hold it the more the pain gets. So as soon as I have to go then I have to go.

Next topic, Woman. What woman will even talk to a guy like me??? The only reason they talk to me is because they feel sorry for me or they want money.

All I do is work and go to school. That's gets annoying really quick. i don't even get to save any money. All I got to show for it is a LCD tv, Computer and a POS altima that has a power steering leak.

I can't make any friends because I have "attitude" problems and everybody makes fun of me. Including family. They blame me for my stomach problems. I can't even eat soup or drink soda. I get sick to my stomach for hours.

Everybody is right I'm going to have a short life like my father. My father went almost through the same things as me except he didn't have mental problems.

Like I said before if you're going to tell me to go see a shrink then don't even respond. Shrinks can't find anything wrong and the same thing with my stomach doctors. All they have done successfully is fatten up their wallets.

Also jobs. Every job I had my supervisers told me to hurry up in the bathroom and even told me what's the point for me to come to work if I'm going to take a crap on their pay time??

So please find anything positive in my life...


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Old 04-02-2006, 04:47 PM   #2
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Who says you even need a

Who says you even need a reason to live? You don't!

Figure out what you want to do with your life, and do it. You don't need a reason for it, but if you have one, so much the better.

All I do is work and go to school. That's gets annoying really quick. i don't even get to save any money. All I got to show for it is a LCD tv, Computer and a POS altima that has a power steering leak.
I might be able to relate.

All I've got to show is a beat up Triumph, an old computer, a burnt out TV, and a Playstation. Then again, I'm 21 years old. Lots of time to accomplish what goals I have. I assume you are a similar age.

I'm not optimistic about my future(given peak oil, a looming economic collapse, among other things), but I'm damn well going to try and build what will make me happy: the EV.

I can't make any friends because I have "attitude" problems and everybody makes fun of me.
I may not know you, but I certainly would not be inclined to poke fun at you. You seem like an alright guy.

Including family. They blame me for my stomach problems. I can't even eat soup or drink soda. I get sick to my stomach for hours.
Have a talk with them. If they're unwilling to listen, screw them.

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Old 04-02-2006, 05:12 PM   #3
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I want to move out so bad

I want to move out so bad but you know cali is too expensive. Singles are $600-700 a month. The only goal I got is to finish college and move out of this dump of a california.

All I got are bills, can't even save any money. I'm not even in debt or anything is just living here is too expensive. I used to live in Wisconsin in a good neighborhood and everything was completly different. People rarely made fun of me, people said hello on the street when they walked by. Gas Prices were cheap. Insurance was cheap, and etc.

In cali people are mean. Drive crazy, spit on you, curse too much, make fun of you. I guess it depends in what neighborhood you live in.

I'm the same age as you Toecutter.

So I guess my future goal is to finish my education and move out of this dump of a state.

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Old 04-02-2006, 05:15 PM   #4
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It seems to me that most of

It seems to me that most of your problems stem from your medical condition. Have you seen a medical doctor for diagnosis and treatment?

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Old 04-02-2006, 05:24 PM   #5
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Re: It seems to me that most of

Originally Posted by krousdb
It seems to me that most of your problems stem from your medical condition. Have you seen a medical doctor for diagnosis and treatment?
Yes I have. I have seen countless shrinks and countless stomach doctors. The only thing I got from the stomach doctors is it's caused by anxiety. The shrinks didn't do anything but listen to me and prescribe medication.

Most of the medication I took worked for a bout a week or two then my body got used to it and it didn't work anymore. On some medications I couldn't even function right. Some of them I would take in the morning and at around 5-6pm I would be so sleepy that I would pass out.

Due to my stomach condition most of the medications just didn't work.

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Old 04-02-2006, 05:35 PM   #6
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Re: I want to move out so bad

Originally Posted by Compaq888
So I guess my future goal is to finish my education and move out of this dump of a state.
Why wait? Sure, finish out the semester but move during the summer break. There are plenty of good state or community colleges in the midwest where the cost of living is much lower. Things are much more mellow in the midwest as long as you stay out of the big cities like Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland etc... Get a new start. It is worth at least 3 MPG!

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Old 04-02-2006, 05:51 PM   #7
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I would need to find a job

I would need to find a job there first before I move out. Also their pay is lower than my current job. Also the smaller the city the harder it is to find a job.

Also I'm finishing a degree which means I have to take certain classes and for different colleges it requires some different classes. Me moving now might require more classes and more time to finish my degree.

I have already thought this through. My brain might be screwy but I got plenty of common sense.

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Old 04-02-2006, 05:56 PM   #8
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Good points. It does make

Good points. It does make sense to stay right now. Just bust your a** to get good grades and leave when it makes sense. Better things await you when you graduate.

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Old 04-02-2006, 06:06 PM   #9
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what is your lifestyle and

what is your lifestyle and diet?

by lifestyle i mean do you procrastinate, prioritize, make lists of things to accomplish? how do you handle day to day tasks and assignments? and more importantly how do you feel about your lifestyle? do you feel like you should work more?

and diet has a lot to do with the rest of your health... forget soda, its over rated anyway. oh i almost forgot! caffeine! how much coffee, tea, chocolate, nuts, etc. do you eat? some people are super sensitive to caffeine and the anxiety gets bad.
don't waste your time or time will waste you
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Old 04-02-2006, 06:07 PM   #10
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way better. On a job if

way better. On a job if anybody messes with you they can lose their job easy. In school they would just get detention and do it again.

Also anxiety goes down less when you don't have to worry about school, parents or etc. So I hope after I graduate, find a job and settle down my stomach problems should be less. I also don't plan to get married, I'm better alone. I don't want nobody nagging me I want this I want that , go clean this, fix that. It will just make it worse. I like my own pace.


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