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Old 04-03-2006, 02:15 PM   #31
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Re: I feel your pain, Compaq

Originally Posted by Sludgy
I have suffered from on-off depression for years. I'll tell you what helped me get through: alcohol, my kids, Mom and Dad, not necessarily in that order.......

BTW, If you have kids, you forget your OWN troubles, and worry about THEM. LOL
I really don't want to have kids. Everybody male on my father's side has this stomach problem. I have it, my dad had it, my grandpa has it. Bringing a kid to life so he can suffer is a bad idea.

Alcohol is good, once you drink it all the life's problems go away. In a company it's good to drink but if you're alone then that's an alcoholic.


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Old 04-03-2006, 05:01 PM   #32
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Re: I feel your pain, Compaq

Originally Posted by Compaq888
Alcohol is good, once you drink it all the life's problems go away. In a company it's good to drink but if you're alone then that's an alcoholic.
I hope you don't seriously think that you're safe from alcoholism just because you drink with other people.

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Old 04-03-2006, 05:12 PM   #33
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Re: I feel your pain, Compaq

Originally Posted by Matt Timion
Originally Posted by Compaq888
Alcohol is good, once you drink it all the life's problems go away. In a company it's good to drink but if you're alone then that's an alcoholic.
I hope you don't seriously think that you're safe from alcoholism just because you drink with other people.
Of course I'm not safe. Because it is good to drink in groups and know your limits.

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Old 04-03-2006, 05:30 PM   #34
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Re: I feel your pain, Compaq

Originally Posted by Compaq888
Originally Posted by Matt Timion
Originally Posted by Compaq888
Alcohol is good, once you drink it all the life's problems go away. In a company it's good to drink but if you're alone then that's an alcoholic.
I hope you don't seriously think that you're safe from alcoholism just because you drink with other people.
Of course I'm not safe. Because it is good to drink in groups and know your limits.
This is true. Also, bear in mind that Alcohol is technicaly a "depressant", so if you tend to be depressed, drinking can make it worse.

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Old 04-03-2006, 06:05 PM   #35
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Re: I feel your pain, Compaq

Originally Posted by rh77
Originally Posted by Compaq888
Originally Posted by Matt Timion
Originally Posted by Compaq888
Alcohol is good, once you drink it all the life's problems go away. In a company it's good to drink but if you're alone then that's an alcoholic.
I hope you don't seriously think that you're safe from alcoholism just because you drink with other people.
Of course I'm not safe. Because it is good to drink in groups and know your limits.
This is true. Also, bear in mind that Alcohol is technicaly a "depressant", so if you tend to be depressed, drinking can make it worse.

Tell me about. At one of the parties I got really depressed and just started having shots with everybody. Before I knew it I just drank out of the bottle. And then passed out in the bathroom. Luckily since I'm a nice guy a girl that I know came to my aid and stayed with me for hours till I threw the alcohol back up and passed out again. Drinking depressed can get you killed. I should lay off on the shots because I'm depressed most of the time.

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Old 04-03-2006, 07:56 PM   #36
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OMG, House Warming Party

When we bought our current house, my wife arranged a house warming party. Her teacher friends like to drink, so we got a keg. Anyways, I'd finish a beer and just go back for a refill. BIG mistake not knowing the consumption from a bottle-to-bottle perspective. Before I knew it, I'm passed out on the bathroom floor upstairs and only the cat to keep me awake. Everyone thought I was taking a nap or something upstairs. After much "digestive reversal", I finally was able to get up and start to function -- and drank gallons of water.

The worst part: Mother's day the next day -- Mexican food for brunch. Then I had to sit in the back of a small plane on a long flight -- ugh.

What I do, I've become a fan of some wines (some can be had for cheap because Missouri is a huge wine-producing state, no really!) So, I'll get home, have a glass of Port or wine, get sleepy and go to bed. I don't binge anymore. Just sucks -- and it's taking more alcohol to achieve the same results. The wine's a nice compromise. I'll still have a Labatt Blue once in a while ;-) Sometimes I wish I lived in Canada or England with all the crap going on here.

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Old 04-03-2006, 10:46 PM   #37
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^^ which is why i don't like

^^ which is why i don't like alcohol that much. Its too easy to OD if your not careful because you don't feel the effects of alcohol until your body starts breaking it down. By that time you'll probably had tons to drink already and evenually it'll hit you all at once.

Right on of alcohol being a depressant, little is all right. Too much and you start acting more dumb than you should be. I think I have cried a few times being really drunk but your mood is the most important part when taking anything into your body. Then again why limit yourself to drugs

Why you wish to live in Canada RH77? What do we have to offer besides premo greens hehe. You sound like a doctor almost with all that travelling. Good to hear Compaq decided to look for another job, although that stomach problem of yours does indeed is crappy. But it sounds like he has it under control now.

Good thread, I've learned a little bit from everyone.

edit: forgot to add, bringing a kid to life is a wonderful thing. As long as you can love him/her for the rest of your life its sall good. If the kid had to live it alone then yes that's a different story...
If your reading this, then good for you, your saving some gas because your here.
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Old 04-03-2006, 11:23 PM   #38
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I in no way have it under

I in no way have it under control. I have limited pain time by a small amount but there is no way that I have control over it. The only way to get it under control is just to stop eating.

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Old 04-03-2006, 11:30 PM   #39
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O, Canada

Originally Posted by philmcneal
Why you wish to live in Canada RH77? What do we have to offer besides premo greens hehe. You sound like a doctor almost with all that travelling.
No, it's the Tylenol with Codeine over the counter. ;-) That reminds me of a Cosby show episode from a long time ago -- he was in a hospital and called over to this guy in scrubs, "Hey, you...almost a doctor!". Seriously, every time I've visited Canada, I just feel like I'm "home". I've been to Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Northern Quebec, Around lake Superior in Ontario, and lately Calgary/Banff (the Quebecois didn't really roll out the welcome mat, tho). I love the terrain, the people, the Governmental structure, the strict medical ethics and free healthcare.

The best part is the distinction in cultures. The U.S. has been called the "Great Melting Pot" -- which really sucks if you think about it. It's really means all cultures kinda blend into one, and heritage is lost. Canada seems to hang onto it's distinct cultures. Furthermore, I really appreciate the general public's appreciation for the environment and fuel consumption. (Aside from Quebec), I haven't met a Canadian I didn't like. I would always volunteer to be sent there for work.

When my folks had one of those huge satellite dishes that moved, some trees blocks some of the sats, but the CBC always came in. We really enjoyed learning about the news up there. Furthermore, I am so sick and tired of the politics here, the legistature there is refreshing.

Anyways, I've never really revealed what I do exactly for my job. Most people don't know that I exist, really. When a prescription drug is newly discovered or requires approval for another formulation (like extended release, etc.), a 10-year average process takes place to get the drug approved by the FDA. Of the 0-10 year process, I'm involved in years 5-8. Drug companies hire 3rd party companies to manage study oversight, data management, statistics, etc. to make sure that no bias is given. This is what I do:

The study drug is taken by patients all over the nation (and world). My job is required by the FDA -- I'm assigned an experimental drug and about 10 doctor's offices around North America that are testing the drug on their willing, informed, and voluntarily-consented patients. I make sure that the FDA rules are followed, no fraud takes place, verify data, collect side effect information, and act as a representative for both the doctor and the drug company (but as a 3rd-party, on a strictly Scientific basis). Each doctor's office has an Ethics Board that makes sure that the study is safe, beneficial, and is continually updated to ensure continued safety -- I make sure this communication takes place. Most of the job is data verification. I visit every 4-6 weeks, so I'm called a "Monitor" instead of "Auditor". I try to make the visits enjoyable so the nurses and doctors don't feel intimidated, and are more productive (but if something's wrong, they'll hear about it).

Long-story wrapped-up, I love my job. I enjoy the travel (but it stinks to be away from home 4 days a week), but I save miles and points to take the wife on trips during vacation. Also, being on the cutting-edge of Medical Science is exciting. I also get to rent all kinds of cars to report in my rental thread here (kinda behind on that now). Also, I have to write reports of findings on each visit, which I'm a behind on too. OK enough about me...gotta go...



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