Hm yeah I hear you, old habits are VERY HARD to break... take a look at the drivers on the road
Well its just that he has eating problems, and to my knowledge nothing cures your appitite better than greens. In fact a legit medical comapany tried to invent this spray that took the main ingrediant of greens (without you knowing of course) and claimed it can solve nausea and stimulate appitite so that you can spray it on your tongue and throat. If you don't mind waiting twenty minutes that is... it was such a joke that the traditional method would get you there in less than three (as you inhale the ingrediants it goes straight to your bloodstream unlike this spray method your metabolism has to break it down first, by that time your suffering enough already when you could have had instant relief). Really shows the drug companies of how much they really care for your health. They didn't realize that the herb comes in all different shapes and sizes and that you need a source of FAT for thc to be successfully absorbed to the body. If you were just ingest just that ingrediant by itself you'll get nothing but nothing... because its simply that...
Once you get the right key (butter usually) its a whole different ball park. Take my advice with a gain of salt, since its not all that glory. There's a lot of downsides (with it being illegal is one of the biggest ones, but you'd be surprised that the reason it was banned was not because of health reasons), dependancy, cost, forgetfullness, paranoia, and distrust from those who are agaist it (espically family members). Its a tough world with everyone thinking your a p0thead, but if your like me and love to prove people wrong then this could be your ticket to something new.
Then there's always exercise, I told the doctor that I had an appitite problem and that I always needed some greens to actually want to look for something to eat. He told me, "Your wasting your money, go exercise if you want to stimulate your own appitite." And he was right, since exercise is free too but he doesn't realize that not everyone is in the best condition to exercise. Also when exercising, as you get super tired from jogging lets say, your brain releases this chemcial that gets you hi (endorphimes or something), studies have shown that greens help your brain release this same chemical as well but also giving you a bunch of new ones

. The doctor wasn't too impressed when I told him that I don't even smoke the herb at all, and kept using the same argument, "Waste of money, spend it on your son instead." Too bad because I really wanted to tell him, "At least I spend less on gas than you'll ever save!!!"
So in the end, why isn't this legal yet if its so benificial to med users? Simply because all doctors believe that smoking is not a form of medical delivery, and I don't blame them since smoking is very bad for you. I know from personal experience so don't start...
... Then the world of vaping found me =) oh yeah... and the world of hypermiling hehe. If anyone is curious of my convert it all started out:
With a person (My boss)
Then by a leader (Marc Emery)
Then the truth (internet reasearch)
Then testing the theories myself and they all were true.
Its a shame that the FDA is still in the circles of approving of vaporization, then again they are the problem in the first place.
Although sorry to pull away from the original thread, I really hope you pull through compaq because I'm sure once you find the right kind of people that's willing to accept you who you are, your ability as a person will soar into new heights you'll never imagine.
Hang in there.