Originally Posted by Matt Timion
LOL... I used to run a BBS when I lived in Illinois. I believe it ran for about 2 years around 1992-1994. I remember upgrading to a 14.4k modem and being so excited about it. It set me back around $150 back then.
Of course that BBS ran on a 386 DX (no math co-processor!) 16mhz with a 20meg HDD. Of course compared to your Commodore 64 my machine was SCREAMING!
(Hell, might as well make it story hour...)
Tell me about it. I was struggling to print reports for high school on the Commodore "Windows" called "Geos" and saving them on 5.25" floppies and the dot-matrix printer. Then the folks got an IBM 486 SX with Windows 3.11 for Christmas after a few years. Holy crap, I could play graphic-intense games like Flight-Sim and Sim City, and blazing-fast Internet, MS Word (with spell check ?!?), better printing. I was finally in the 90's! My friend's Dad worked for Radio Shack, so they always had the latest computer, dammit (and the best games). But, for 2 months, we had the faster computer, Hahahaha! Of course, they wouldn't have that, so they bought a 486 with a huge 250 MB HDD. Then the Pentium era hit, and I started building my own during college (then started a computer repair and network install biz in '99 -- with my friend that always had the computers) Mistake #1: don't go into biz with friends; #2, if you have a full-time job, and the business is sucessful, something's gotta give or you hire employees -- basically gave up on it and went into medicine (and my friend dropped the ball on his share of working -- hence rule #1). Still friends though, the biz made some extra bux, and good lessons were learned.
My folks hung on to that 486 until 2001 ("but we paid a lot of money for that!") Well, it's a great doorstop now Pops, in response to, "why won't anything run on this???". Yeah, they still don't really get computers. Ugh, the viruses and spyware infestation was disgraceful this last visit. They burnt up an HDD because of a virus. Those kids just aren't careful...