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Old 04-26-2006, 08:04 PM   #11
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And 4 memembers of what

And 4 memembers of what family are all members of the top 20 richest people in the world (the fifth in the group died in a plane crash). Too bad the pops isn't around cuz he'd be smacking bill gates and most of the world's countries with a stick...we should have a boycott thread,

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Old 04-26-2006, 08:12 PM   #12
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Sometime this summer, I

Sometime this summer, I hopefully won't ever be buying gas again. The oil industry disgusts me, even worse is the fact that to get around I'm forced to buy their product for all practical purposes(ie. the mass transit is poor and almost unusable, biking dangerous and have almost been killed on numerous occassions trying it, ain't bought a new bike since).

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Old 04-26-2006, 08:19 PM   #13
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Re: And 4 memembers of what

Originally Posted by SVOboy
And 4 memembers of what family are all members of the top 20 richest people in the world (the fifth in the group died in a plane crash). Too bad the pops isn't around cuz he'd be smacking bill gates and most of the world's countries with a stick...we should have a boycott thread,
Hint: I'm in Arkansas right now. And my wife and I haven't been to a Wal-Mart since I bought that video you linked in your signature a while back.

Sam would be disgusted.

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Old 04-26-2006, 10:50 PM   #14
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Re: And 4 memembers of what

Originally Posted by SVOboy
And 4 memembers of what family are all members of the top 20 richest people in the world (the fifth in the group died in a plane crash). Too bad the pops isn't around cuz he'd be smacking bill gates and most of the world's countries with a stick...we should have a boycott thread,
I know this is off topic, but why do we hate people who make money? hate people who exploit, hurt, etc... but mentioning their wealth as a reason to dislike someone seems a bit odd to me.
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Old 04-27-2006, 05:30 AM   #15
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local gas prices ... the

local gas prices ... the widget doesn't work for me, but that's okay matt. don't worry about it.

i went by a station yesterday: $CDN 1.07 per liter. works out to $US 3.58 / gal(US).
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Old 04-27-2006, 10:09 AM   #16
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Re: local gas prices ... the

Originally Posted by MetroMPG
local gas prices ... the widget doesn't work for me, but that's okay matt. don't worry about it.

i went by a station yesterday: $CDN 1.07 per liter. works out to $US 3.58 / gal(US).
Like I said before, if you can find a website that has the canadian gas prices by zip code then I'll add them.
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Old 04-27-2006, 12:31 PM   #17
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Re: And 4 memembers of what

Originally Posted by Matt Timion
Originally Posted by SVOboy
And 4 memembers of what family are all members of the top 20 richest people in the world (the fifth in the group died in a plane crash). Too bad the pops isn't around cuz he'd be smacking bill gates and most of the world's countries with a stick...we should have a boycott thread,
I know this is off topic, but why do we hate people who make money? hate people who exploit, hurt, etc... but mentioning their wealth as a reason to dislike someone seems a bit odd to me.
Well, let me chime-in if I may. I don't think it's that we hate people with more money than us, it's the exploitation that many implement to trample the common person. I'm all for Capitalism until it reaches monopoly or colluded-competition status -- it's then that I get concerned. When the average working person is impacted negatively by this added money and power, then it just isn't right.

Let's take Google for example. Those guys are really rich, but from Day 1, they've treated their employees well and don't seem to be costing people a huge percentage of their income if their services are used. I doubt that many people hate them.

Some people may not like Donald Trump either, but he can be a pompass *** as a result of his wealth sometimes, but his show seems to be popular.

What about Warren Buffet - not the singer, the Billionaire investor in Omaha. I don't think people hate him much.

Short Answer: It's what money does to people, and how it makes them do bad things other people.

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Old 04-27-2006, 01:18 PM   #18
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Quote:I know this is off

I know this is off topic, but why do we hate people who make money? hate people who exploit, hurt, etc... but mentioning their wealth as a reason to dislike someone seems a bit odd to me.
I think building a 60 billion dollar fortune based on exploiting workers and resources all over the world would qualify as someone causing a good bit of hurt. I completely disagree with the ethics of wal-mart and I think the fact that that family is sitting on a total of 64B$ is rediculously disgusting.

Edit: Hi, Rick.
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Old 04-27-2006, 04:41 PM   #19
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is Chevron evil too? I've

is Chevron evil too? I've been buying their gas religiously ever since I got my car. I guess the "Chevron with Techron" ads really hit me hard from day one. Great now I have to find a company here in Canada that's not evil -_-;
If your reading this, then good for you, your saving some gas because your here.
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Old 04-27-2006, 04:43 PM   #20
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It's hard not to be evil.

It's hard not to be evil. I'd say in some sense all oil companies by nature of their purpose are evil, and so are we.

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