I'm not trying to dog on anyone's car or trying to persuade everyone to go out and buy a huge car, just making sure people are educated.
After a crash I got into on Thursday I started to think about different vehicle weights. A Jetta slammed into a grand prix behind me at 45mph(high on valium) and the grand prix hit me, we were both stopped at a light. I got hit pretty hard and I'm sure if I didn't have a 4975lb suv i would have hit the car in front of me. My car remained relatively unscathed but the front of her car was ruined with a nice square hole in the bumper lol. The Jetta was obviously totaled.
We all see the highway safety ratings for large cars and I think some of us have forgotten about what makes a car safe. It isn't how a car hits a wall, it's how a car hits another car on the road 99% of the time. I've seen a lot of talk about how much safer smaller cars are than big ones because they get better safety ratings. The video I link to below isn't in English, but it is a good reminder that even though you have the best safety ratings, physics is still the winner.
In the video the smart is only against a Mercedes S class, imagine against a suburban or excursion, but the video says it all.
Fox News also has a story out about the new highway safety data. They actually started testing against other cars.
On a side note, has anyone been in a crash that the airbags didn't go off in the car? Neither the Jetta or the Grand Prix airbags went off and in December when that Mercedes turned out in front of me mine didn't go off either(45mph direct side impact) hers did tho.