I'm still sleeping on a twin sized mattress and captains bed (stylish, I know

) that was bought way back in 1993 when I was 8 years old. Needless to say I need a new mattress at very least.
Anyway's my dad's idea of a new matress is the $99 model (and the only model mind you) in some sketchy Wal-Mart isle

. Needless to say I was not impressed with both the matress and my dad's judgement (luckily he didn't buy it).
So today I found this absolutely luxurious Sears Postur-pedic floor model marked down from $1,199 to $599 for a
queen size

. I mean seriously this bed is like spa caliber. The only problem is that both my mom and dad sound like it would break their hearts to spend that kind of cash on a bed when "there's a perfectly good mattress in the spare room"
OK first of all, that mattress in the spare room is the one my parents bought...
in 1984! Second, it's very worn out (if I sit on the edge, the mattress's top and bottom nearly touch) and third, it's a
USED mattress. Think about how much "Stuff" a person does in their bed. Now how would you feel if you slept in someone else's "Stuff"? How about your
parent's "Stuff"?!? Gross.
I think a bed that is *yours* and was only yours is the only way to be. Plus sleeping luxuriously is *so important* that you don't just buy something at some econo store that sells motor oil in the next isle and hope that you won't be miserable for the next 10+ years.
Maybe it's just me? Does everyone in this world feel okay with sleeping on a wad of crappy coils equipped with dust mites eating someone else's skin? How important is a good quality mattress to you?