The problem in the U.S., is that we have so many roads and so much space, that there probably wouldn't be enough tax money to go around if most roads were designed in this fashion.
Actually the United States is 27 times as big as Finland but has 60 times the population and 75 times more road km. (From the CIA world fact book)
It seems in this case the amount of road is directly proportional to the population and as the USA has a higher GDP per capita you should be able to afford better roads than us.
On the other hand our government is good at collecting taxes, the cheapest Toyota cost nearly $25,000 due to the car tax and gas is $6/gallon
You see the easiest way to get fuel efficient vehicles on the roads is to put a a big enviromental tax on fuel, the market economy will take care of the rest, no complex regulations needed

Still not fun at the pump