put this article on this thread to give courtesy to clencher and his recent "articles" thread starter. anyway here it is:
You, Your Car
US Energy Policy
Things You Need To Know
...Improving current on-road vehicle mpg efficiency by one additional mile per gal per vehicle would save close to 600k barrels a day in American oil imports. Additional efficiency gains per gal would save even more oil, but the savings diminish as better mileage performance tends to PROMOTE INCREASES IN DRIVING DISTANCE...
by Amy Myers Jaffe and Kenneth Medlock III
Going Places
wonder how many Americans have this mentality?--trade down and then excuse themselves to drive more. extra taxation based on miles driven, like the proposed per gallon increase(affecting everyone), wouldn't be fair for those that MUST drive more miles. so it seems it is up to the individual consumer's driving choices/habits.
maybe there is no hope until mass production of non-petroleum based fuel vehicles is achieved. not in my lifetime i suspect.